horrible news


Yearning Slave
Salam to all

I agree wholly with one of our brother, Al-Fajr. He mentioned the deal with intend. I have chanced upon a hadith whereby Prophet Muhammad :saw:has mentioned something about the intention of someone's actions (Can someone clear this matter and provide the hadith if possible?)

Clearly, she was at the stage of complete desperation to just save herself. And please, never really trust what you read from tabloids as some of it can concoct untruths and we as readers may be instigated in the little lies :astag: We do not know what she was thinking at that point of time and neither do the reporters (I apologise to all reporters out there)

Let's just pray that what she did was for Allah and nothing else.



Sister Nur


Junior Member
I want to put an end to this and say, stop asking questions about whether she will go to jannah or hell, or if she committed suicide etc. Because none of us know her intention, what exactly happened, only Allah does. Leave the matter with Allah, but remember the sister in your du'as.

This girl is beneath the ground - is there any point of discussing where she is going? Leave that with Allah. Don't get me wrong - pray that Allah gives her jannah, hope for the best, but in the end Allah knows best!


Junior Member

Inallillaahi wa innailaihi rajioon. May Allah The Most Merciful grant her forgiveness and Jannah and may Allah's curse be on those animals. Well sister there is a fact to be noted that the girl might not have jumped to commit suicide. She would have done that with the intention of escaping alive probably. But Allah knowest He is All-Knowing, and The Just.



I agree wholly with one of our brother, Al-Fajr. He mentioned the deal with intend. I have chanced upon a hadith whereby Prophet Muhammad :saw:has mentioned something about the intention of someone's actions (Can someone clear this matter and provide the hadith if possible?)



Sister Nur


Our 'brother al-fajr' is actually a sister. :D

I could be wrong, but I remember a sheikh who quoted a fatwa regarding this matter in which a women is forced to commit Zina. The Sheikh said there is no sin upon her, and there is also no sin upon her if she dies fighting.
The fatwa is similar to the one posted from IslamQnA
Allah knows best concerning the Sister, but we should pray that she died as a Shaheed, and will be an inhabitant of Jannah. Ameen.




Yearning Slave

Sister Al-Fajr,

Forgive me for the confusion. Arabic names confuses me sometimes.


Sister Nur