how can Islam be facist???


I was reading some comments of a person who is trying to abolish Islam.

He claims the Glorious Quran is a facist book. Aoothoo billah; How on earth did he come up with this conclusion?

I never really new what this word implies, but after looking it up in the dictionary, it is totally not applicable to Islam.

anybody know is this what ignorant people think?



The term could easily be applied to any relgion that feels that it is the one true way and to those religions that have a need to want to convert others to follow their "One true way"

:jazaak:, brother ayman1, you explanation is greatly appreciated.

I was just surprised that a person could use such a term to describe a religion. After reading at least some of the online definition here:, it clearly is an ideology that can't even explain its-self. The most upsetting is where I see attributes of this ideology being attached to 21 century rulers, and someone tries to attach it to Islam someway.

The vagueness and the debatable aspects of this ideology, facism, identifies how desperate these people who talk about Islam, without knowing anything about the truth. There agenda is clear, they have freedom of speech, but I don't think freedom of speech should be freedom to insult.

may Allah deal with these unjust people in this life and the hereafter.

I just wanted to mention also, I read news or maybe even hear it sometimes but these words have no meaning until we understand them. This caught my attention.
