How can you perform Salah if you are out in town with other people?


New Member
My parents often ask me to join them for day trips to certain nearby towns so we can all go browse stores and spend some time together, eat in restaurants, etc. (my parents are not Muslim). Whether we're driving in the car or looking around town, I don't want to miss my Salah. How do you still perform it in this situation?

Peony Weed

New Member

hmmm....since no one had answered you yet I hope the following links and discussion thread might help you first.

Though I am not so sure the real condition of the environment you're in, I would have to presume that you have no problem in practising them in public. But if you have problem in practising them in public, I hope others may share their experience with you (saw a YT video on TTI that show a Texan guy performed prayer in a middle of a football game..)

*Btw, the term prayer for traveller that i used here is referring to travelling more than 2 days and exceeding 2 marhalah and only if the travelling is for good purpose (in my country the fatwa for 2 marhalah = > 83KM, this maybe differed in certain country, i'd suggest you refer to your local mosque for their best practise)

You will have to check the required condition and pillars to perform the salah (e.g: time to perform salah, performing ablution before prayer, allowed environment of the place for prayer, your clothing when perform prayer etc)

Thread on prayer/solah in this site:
Prayer - General :
For travellers :

Someone also highlighted this site, which might useful for you as it is also in English:
Prayer - General :
*look for the 2nd page pertaining to "salah performed by a travelling person"

I could only make reference. Hope it temporary helps you.

muhammad sabri

Junior Member

My Dear Brother, do your parents know that you're a muslim in the first place? If Yes then tell them that you love to spend time with them and you love to spend time also with The One who gave you the possibilities to spend some beautiful time with your parents :) Be sincere..BUT if they don't know cause you didn't tell them because you fear oppression from them then it depends..if you can then struggle to tell them and let your Islam come first alwayas..anc inch'Allah..youl'be the first in the eyes of Allah, but if you still have problems then remain home and pray instead of going out and wasting the possiblity to pray Allah and if the problems is even worse and you're obliged to go with them forcefully and they know about your Islam and there's nothing you can do (apparently) then seek refuge in Allah, call upon Him, tell Him that you're a weak human being and you need His support..:) make DuA! Be Sincere and Patient for verily as Allah says in the Quran:..''Verily Allah is with the Patient ones''..:)


wajazakallahu khayran

-And Allah knows best


sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum;

my friend, who is married with imam told that hers husband, if traveling for example by bus during prayer time, prays as sitting on his seat, just reading his prayers by voice. Not sure if it also ok, if "read" them only in mind.

Allah knows the best and remember that He is the most mercifull (if we make some mistakes).


:)Smile! It's Sunnah

From my own personal experience, when I was young my uncle would pull the car over during a trip and everyone would pray in their seats. Maybe you could try that while you are going from place to place. But I guess that depends if your parents are tolerant of the fact that you are a Muslim.


Junior Member
My parents often ask me to join them for day trips to certain nearby towns so we can all go browse stores and spend some time together, eat in restaurants, etc. (my parents are not Muslim). Whether we're driving in the car or looking around town, I don't want to miss my Salah. How do you still perform it in this situation?

Assalaamu Alaikum,

There are ways shown by prophet:saw:, for travelers. Even for those on a vehicle. You have other subtle but important factors to weigh in, which others have pointed out. Brother, Go slow and steady.

On land, if possible, you could stop, offer prayers and proceed. There is a provision to shorten or combine some prayers too. But be prepared, some might raise objections, it happens, there are simple solutions to problems, but important to be tolerant and patient. May Allah make matters plain and clear for you... Ameen