How do we define beauty


ancient one
AsalaamU Aaikum:

Over the years ,I have come to relise that each person has his or her own idea of what beauty is .For most of us it is defined by what I our eyes show us ,but I believe we have forgotten that Allah bestowed upon mankind more then one way to sence things .He gave us a sence of smell ,taste and touch as well as the ability to see and hear . So when it comes to saying something is beautiful should a person only rely on thier eyes to say yes or no to the meaning of beautiful ? In the quran it speaks of beauty often and there are many hadeeths which also cover this ,but as we have moved forward in time ,I believe we have lost the real understanding and so have become focused on beauty from one sence (visual) ...let me share a storey about a young woman I once knew ,she saddly is gone now and this all due to perception and the desire to be what society deemed beautiful.

her name was melody and she was just 31 ,she had a smile that could light up a room and a voice which would normaly be said was that of an angel .She had a carring nature ,as she loved children and people and all of the things Allah had created .She hated no one and was the first to forgive any one for a transgression .She was talented ,she could cook and do most anything with her hands ,she was intelegent and bright ,she loved to learn and to share all she knew with any one who wanted to just sit and share knowledge . Her skin was soft and as white as snow ,she had dark eyes and red lips ,her hair was long and wavey .She met her future husband through an add they each had placed in a local news paper ,as she like him worked long hours and neither had time for a social life .Once they had decided to marry she made a decission ,one that would take her from this world , see she was a large woman and so she decided it was important for her to be what society deemed beautiful ( skinny ,slim ,well shaoped ) and so she set out to have a medical proceedure to have her stomach stappled .her fiancee expressed his concerns ,telling her he loved her as she was ,but due to all the things she had heard for years she believed that if she did not become the beautiful woman as was being described one should look like ,she would loose this man one day .It was 2 days following her surgery that she told her fiancee if she had a chance to do it over she would not have done the procedure as she was in a lot of pain ,three hours later she was gone ,she had sufferd a massive corinary due to a blood clot which had moved into her chest .
The reason I am telling this storey is to try and show to both brothers and sisters ,beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and that beauty is also something from with in ,its not about skinny/slim verses fat /large first and foremost comes from the heart . See a blind person can not use thier eyes to see so they need to use thier ears and hands to see beauty ,Allah I believe gave the blind person a very special opportunity for they can not become missguilded in knowing what true beauty is ..So here is my challenge for those who Inshallah want to try ,the next time you are home with your wife or husband close your eyes and then take your hands and feel your mates face ,listen to thier voice and see if you do not get an even clearer picture of just how beautiful they truely are ..or even close your eyes the next time you stand in your garden and touch each flower and smell the strong fragrence ,inshallah from this exercise we all will gain a better knowledge of how Allah and his prophets truely saw beauty ...For me there is no such thing as ugly because I believe that Allah would never create anything ugly and as we each are created from Allah and so is everything else ...Inshallah those of you who are mashallah better knowledged then I will add to this thread with ayats from the quran and hadeeths to either support what I have writen or to disclaim it ...

JazakAllah and remeber if I have said anything correct it is from Allah all else should be just ignored or corrected



Junior Member
I think faith (Iman) can turn everything beautiful since you feel satisfied with all that Allah creat ....I think we should not be influenced by Media which is designing beauty for huamns in any way the designer like ....WE should have our personal opinions and never follow blindly ....More we should care about the beauty of our hearts within for if we purify hearts and be in touch with Allah swt everything will be beautiful......I think every creaure has his beauty but sometimes blind hearts don`t feel it. The perfect beauty will be in Janna InshaAllah so we should strive for it.:SMILY259: