how do you know if you caught / witnessed laylat al qadr?


salam to all, i hope everyone is doing great. especially in this blessed month of ramadan. i havent used this site in ages, i've been very busy.

I dont know if my question has been answered before on this site but if so, please give me answers again because i cant find it.

i searched the internet and read and learnt so much about laylat al qadr. so much. alhumdulilah. but one thing i dont understand and hasnt been explained, if might have been explained but i havent read it yet is this:

they say someone might witness laylat al qadr, someone might catch laylat al qadr etc, some will know they cought it and others may not know. but how do you know if you cought it for those who is mention know? do they feel something, faint, sleep, what happens to them they will make them feel they felt it.

can someone please tell me? has it happened to you as in have you caught it / witnessed it before and if so how did it feel at the time, what did you hear, did angels come to you, do you faint, sleep, what is it that proves to the person that he or she caught laylat al qadr.

or have i totally misunderstood all that i learnt about laylat al qadr and there is no witness or catching of it. its just a night which we have to do so much recitation and worship and salah, and we dont know this night so we do it on the last 10 days of ramadan and thats all laylat al qadr is.

according to what i've read, it feels like there is so much to it. and not that its just any night, its a powerful night. but how does one feel / sense it.

i know and read the signs of laylat al qadr, but what is the actual sign / feeling a person gets to know they caught it.

im repeating myselt, over and over lol, i just really want answers.

salam to all.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

We had a small talk based on what you are asking. Our Shaykh said that Ibn Hajar Al Askalani Rahimullah has listed 40 different opinions (in his book Fath Al Bari) of our scholars on the timing of Laylatul Qadr.. Needless to say, the scholars have no definite conclusion on when it actually occurs.

Two of the most strong opinions are :-

1) It changes every year and is random. One year on 21 , the next is on 27, or 23/25/29. However, no one can know for sure.

2) Ubayy Ibn Kaab RadiAllahu Anhu swore by Allah that it is on the 27th. Hence this strengthens this opinion considerably. Also Ibn Abbas RadiAllahu Anhu has speculated that it should be 27th due to some interesting observations based on his knowledge. The following are some of them :-

- he believes that 'seven' is often repeated in acts of ibadah. The circumambulation around the kaaba is seven times, the sujood is to be performed with seven joints touching the floor, Sa'i is performed by seven trips between Safa and Marwah and so forth. Therefore, seven is of high stature with respect to ibadah and this indicates that it could be the 7th night on the last 10 nights (27th).

- the word 'hiyaa' (refering to Laylatul Qadr) in Surah Al Qadr is the 27th word in that chapter.

Regardless of this, no one can say for sure on which particular day it is.

The Shaykh also mentioned that some devout worshipers can feel in their hearts that it is going to be Laylatul Qadr or they try to look for the signs in the morning (as you mentioned). But they are not to let out that information to other people as it would either disappoint the other people (of they missed praying that night) or make them complacent (if they did pray that night). Either ways it wouldn't bring about good. So they are supposed to be quiet about it.

The bottom line is no one can say for sure about it (that they caught it). And this is what the Shaykh Hafidullah mentioned.

The wisdom in all this is that we try to look for it as if we are looking for a treasure (verily it is a great treasure). Striving in all last 10 days of the month of Ramadan especially in the odd nights. With the mercy of Allah azz zawajal, if one strives to his ability he will be able to catch this meritorious time Insha'Allah. This is also proven from the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH. He SallAllahu Alleihi Wa Sallam was known to exert maximum effort in these last 10 nights than in any other part of the year with regards to ibadah such as prayer and supplication.

And Allah knows best.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Brothers and Sisters... Don't busy yourself with trying to second guess when this period is by looking for the signs or thinking why it hasn't come to your heart that is Laylatul Qadr..

Even if you saw the signs of Laylatul Qadr, no one and I repeat no one can say with certainty that it was on that particular night. Even if it felt in your heart that tonight is Laylatul Qadr, you can't let it out and no one can be certain.. Different people have a feel that is on different nights of the month.
How can all be accurate ? I hope you all are following what I am getting to..

Even the mighty scholars are not in agreement when this time period is. Imam Shafiee rahimullah thought is was on 21st every year, Ubayy ibn Kaab Ra sweared that it was 27th and so on & so forth.

And we can't even compare ourselves in devoutness and status to these 2 above mentioned personalities. When their views are so conflicting, it means that they didn't have a clear way to tell it apart either. So why pursue something that has for 1400 years remained inconclusive ?

Even if you supposedly think/feel it is on a particular night, Did you spend the entire night in ibadah or sleep/worldly things ? At the end of the day, only worship is going to help you out, not finding out when where and what..

Bottom line is focus on your ibadah every night. If you strive each night, Allah in his infinite mercy would assist you in being in state of ibadah in that blessed time period. And this is one of the wisdoms of keeping the time period secret and not open knowledge.. So that people strive all last 10 nights and continue earning hasanaat. All this ibadah each night is going to help us InshaAllah in this world and in Al Akhirah.. So let's concentrate on it.. :)

We have some assistance from the Sunnah of the Prophet SallAllahu Alleihi Wa Sallam, which is that we have a hint that we are to strive extra on the odd nights of last 10 days..

May Allah azz zawajal accept from one and all of us in these blessed nights of Ramadan. Ameen..


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
But, last year, I had a distinct distinct feeling about it. On last Ramadan's 23rd night, right after iftar, when I was praying maghrib, during one sujood, I just had this thought come into my head "Today is Laylatul Qadr." And the thought just came out of nowhere, I hadn't even been thinking it might be that night or anything. And I strongly felt in my heart that it was that night.


sister, I remember reading some people feeling that it was the 25th last year and some on the 27th. And with your 23rd, we have already 3 opinions on last year's Laylatul Qadr, which only brings me back to my point, there is no certain way of knowing about them..

If you had a feeling and strove harder that night, Alhamdulillah it would have been a good motivator and that's a good thing as you would have gained more hasanaat that night.

It is not about being pious or non pious, just strive each night & that is a certain way of not missing out. :)



Brothers and Sisters... Don't busy yourself with trying to second guess when this period is by looking for the signs or thinking why it hasn't come to your heart that is Laylatul Qadr..

Even if you saw the signs of Laylatul Qadr, no one and I repeat no one can say with certainty that it was on that particular night. Even if it felt in your heart that tonight is Laylatul Qadr, you can't let it out and no one can be certain.. Different people have a feel that is on different nights of the month.
How can all be accurate ? I hope you all are following what I am getting to..

Even the mighty scholars are not in agreement when this time period is. Imam Shafiee rahimullah thought is was on 21st every year, Ubayy ibn Kaab Ra sweared that it was 27th and so on & so forth.

And we can't even compare ourselves in devoutness and status to these 2 above mentioned personalities. When their views are so conflicting, it means that they didn't have a clear way to tell it apart either. So why pursue something that has for 1400 years remained inconclusive ?

Even if you supposedly think/feel it is on a particular night, Did you spend the entire night in ibadah or sleep/worldly things ? At the end of the day, only worship is going to help you out, not finding out when where and what..

Bottom line is focus on your ibadah every night. If you strive each night, Allah in his infinite mercy would assist you in being in state of ibadah in that blessed time period. And this is one of the wisdoms of keeping the time period secret and not open knowledge.. So that people strive all last 10 nights and continue earning hasanaat. All this ibadah each night is going to help us InshaAllah in this world and in Al Akhirah.. So let's concentrate on it.. :)

We have some assistance from the Sunnah of the Prophet SallAllahu Alleihi Wa Sallam, which is that we have a hint that we are to strive extra on the odd nights of last 10 days..

May Allah azz zawajal accept from one and all of us in these blessed nights of Ramadan. Ameen..


Salam sister,
As we all know the night of Qadr is so special , so that's the reason I think is it's kept a secret and only the ones trying to witness it will be rewarded for it .. if everyone knew the actual night it would be like cheating , even the worst would have got so much advantage of this night. I guess that why we haven't been told the exact night it is , so instead we can try hard and pray that we worship on the night of qadr . I don't kno why I believe it's on a different day every year , but ever odd night worship it will be very worth it and then wait for the sun to rise and when u see the sun looking diffrent no rays u will get a feeling in ur heart that it was or was not the night of laylatul qadr.
May Allah reward and help all of the Muslims and ummah , plz pray for me too !!


New Member
Salam alaykum
My name is Yussuf
For those Muslim looking for answer of LaiLatulQadr
I did witness and saw 3 times in year off 2022 month off Ramadan
Ramadan date was 25th and 29th
If you read this and try to deny or try to be ignorant just know that’s why you can’t witness this kind of night the night of power. Your heart need cleaned up.
There’s people need to hear this true believer off Allah and this is for them only.
I swear to Allah and my kids
I was praying all night for the entire month in masjid all night with no sleep.
The first time I witnessed anything was on May 25, 2022, that night at 2:30am I was sitting out the masjid, with another believer on one side of me and to our front there were a group of 20 people with another lone man in front of them. That gentleman was reading Quran on his phone. A sudden wave of cold came and the large group of people decided to head back inside the masjid. The gentleman who was sitting with me also decided to go inside. I asked repeatedly to stay with me to pray but he said he was so cold “if I stay one more second, I will paralyze”. He then proceeded to go inside to join the others. This process from the start of the cold wave to everyone disappearing into the masjid took only moments. The line man then came to me. We shook hands and he started to point to the sky. He asked “ do you see those two stars?” “Yes”, I responded. “Do you see the third? “Yes, I replied” he then said, if you draw a line, to connect them, it will be a straight line. In that moment while we are focused on the same spot, a shooting star appeared. He asked if I saw that and I confirmed it stating “I think we’re crazy!” In that next moment another shooting star shot across the night sky. We realized what we were seeing was not our imagination. It was there in front of our eyes. I felt in that moment a thousand pounds lift from my shoulders. I could breathe, I was lighter, but I didn’t know how to explain it. We went into the masjid, we told the other believers and we prayed two rakats. I needed more answers. What just happened? Was this all in my head? Am I making something from nothing? My mind and my heart were fighting. Fighting for more answers, fighting to eliminate my doubt.
Keep doing ikhtikaf prayers all night asking to see something like that again on Ramadan 29th I was out side with group of people again same times 2.30am or 3
This all was out side the masjid was big play ground starting reading Quraan in middle off ground out the group off people left me including my son they went in side it was just me then reading loud and I saw huge big Ball off Star looks like Sun or moon was like fire looking pass through it was like 5 seconds I still couldn’t believe
I pray make duaa then I was getting too tired I was close to go inside I ask Allah if what I saw was Lailatulqadr show me a sign
I was very tired and all of the sudden there was at list 25 shooting stars flying on top off me looking at them like I was looking fireworks
Marshalllah Alhamdullillah I thank Allah for beautiful month off Ramadan and his beautiful signs
People told me to not tell anyone.I was thinking there people out there need to hear this or know this things are not joke
Is True