How Islam is viewed today.


Junior Member
Why is Islam viewed in such disdain? Why are message boards so full of hatred and people "proving" Islam is "bad"?
I do not condones ANY violence; but I cannot judge those people who use it (Muslim or non) as I do not live in a country with civil war, ex..

It seems people always pull out the "wife beating" or "hanging of rape victims" pictures. I know Islam does not have perfect followers. We all have our flaws as humans. Especially if the country is uneducated in its population or has a "cultural Islam" thing going on it is hard tell people that each persons hand is not the same.

I am deeply saddened that I cannot practice my Islam of "ONE GOD". That is all I want to do; the rest Allah will help me with. I want my ONE GOD! Why is that so wrong? It is the way Adam PBUH and Jesus PBUH prayed.
I just feel so troubled today!


Salafi Dawah is the best
Why is Islam viewed in such disdain?

CNN, Fox News, The show 24,.......the list goes on. The fact is SOME people believe what they see on T.V. (Closed minded people, CSIS, Ignorant people ect) It's really sad and this is something that I used to struggle with SO much (still kinda do :( ) but inshAllah we'll be rewarded for our struggles so long as what we do is for Allah (SWT)