how to chat with an atheist


New Member
First of all u should be wise as Islam ordered us in Quran in surah An-nahl verse 125 . They pretend to use their mind so try to appear so . Say to him that there are many miracles around us and even in our bodies . Earth rotates around Sun in 365.25 days it never icreased a second or decreased a second . When scientists tried to make an accurate second they used a cemical element termed Cesium which is radioactive . Certain number of vibrations of radiation waves indicates one second . They named it the atomic clock . But they discovered that it is not accurate as it delays a second every 5 thousand years . But it is the most accurate thing Man invented . So every thing accurate has some1 who made it . Accuracy also in universe must have some1 who made it . It is more than chance , more than coincedence . Not because universe has been present for 13 billion years & certain reactions might have done by chance in that period made us here now. there r other accurate things in our bodies also, Blood p(H) is constant at 7.4 by certain mechanisms done by both kidney & lung . If blood p(H) is altered by decrease man enters coma . If it increased man shows tetany . At last try to be kind to him he mightbe seeking for the truth .