How to explain to parents the reasons for wearing hijab?


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikum

i am after some advice. Recently I started wearing hijaab alhamdulillah. I live with my husband and see my parents (white,christian) fairly regularly. I have told them I am waering hijaab but as yet they have not seen me yet, we will go see them in 2 weeks time insha'allah.

I have explained as best I can to reasons for hijaab - how we are commanded to in the Qur'an, the obligation the duty, how a women's beauty does include her hair and the importance of maintaining her dignity, how her beauty should be for her husband, how she should be judged for her as a person what she has to say rather than her husband, how it is an outward expression of faith and identity, how it is a slippery slope and sin if she does not and the situations a woman can find herself in if she does not safeguard her modesty.

My parents ( or my mum rather) alhamdulillah were doing very well in respecting what I have done though they do not understand. Though as I say they have not seen me yet and no doubt when in their company I can remove it, but if we go out to the shops even to get milk or out to dinner I will wear it and I am not sure how they will feel then - there are no muslims at all where they live and I am sure it will attract attention which they probably won't appreciate/like. I think my father takes it (the hijaab) and my reversion as a whole as a rejection of what he knows and how he lives his life and therefore a rejection of how he brought me up. I think he thinks I am being obstinate and difficult on purpose - he refuses to understand - i say refuse becasue he does not like to talk about any aspect of Islam or my reversion so this outward expression (the hijaab) will no doubt not help his feelings. He clams up whenever I try to talk about anything.

I had a phone conversation with my mum tonight about hijaab and answered many of her questions - when I told her I do not wear in front of husband or father or brother but will have to wear in front of my male cousin, she said she found this ridiculous... she said he knows what I look like without hijaab, he wouldn't be 'interested' in me and that he has a girlfriend. I tried to explain regaridng you can't bend the rules for anything cos if you bend them for one thing, then its another and another and you are commiting sin, doing haraam. I also tried to explain regarding that we are all humans governed by our desires.

I would like advice from anyone who can help me with regards to helping them understand and respect me as a Muslim and as a Muslim woman who wears hijaab, and why I wear hijaab and what it means to me and that I will not budge insha'allah. Has anyone else been through this? Can anyone help me with approaching the subject what to say and what not to say, how to handle the situation? I am expecting tensions to say the least and they have already assumed it is my husband's doing :( Of course I have explained it is not so but I think deep down they do not believe me as they said I have chn aged so much and only since I met my husband ( who introduced me properly to Islam) they cannot understand this is what I want and I believe.

Jazak'allah khair to all my dear brothers and sisters.



ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member

Masha'Allah, that is a great new step you've taken to gain Allah's please with you by obeying Him.
As I am myself a brother, I would only give you one advise: know always that the most important thing in your life is that insha'Allahu will be pleased with you. And as for your parents, the most important thing is that you basically know them: you know their habits, how to talk to them, do it as you always did when you wanted them to understand you in any other issue.
The best thing now is that you know that this time you've got Allah (swt) with you and He insha'Allah is pleased with you, just go for it.

May Allah (swt) help and strengthen you sister.

Abul Harith

Active Member
Staff member
Asalam alaikom

First of all I would like to say alhamdulilah that you have begun to wear hijab. That is so nice to hear. I remember from a previous post of yours that you were going to take up the practise of hijab in Ramadan. So may Allah be pleased with your decision insha'allah :)

I would point you towards an article posted by brother Mabsoot which you can find here.

Also the issue of hijab has been covered in previous posts. If you do a search sister using keywords such as hijab, parents, advice will find some useful and beneficial information insha'allah.

May Allah make it easy for you to teach your parents about this outward symbol of your faith. Insha'allah through understanding our deen and knowing why we do what we do it may also be an avenue that attracts them to Islam.

