how to perform du'a correctly?


New Member

are there rules on how to perform du'a or may I do it like I want? (e.g. may I say 'subhana kallahumma wa bihamdika ...' to praise allah in the beginning of a du'a?

Do I have to recite something significant?



to Allah we belong

you can however you wish. but what is encouraged is first glorify and praise Allah (like subhanallah, alhamdulillah,etc,etc), then durood on prophet, then seeking His forgiveness and then ask whatever you like.



I have no time :D to find hadeth about this, but you should first

Elhamdulillahi Rabil Alemin We sallatu We sallamu ala Seyidina Muhammedin we ala Alihi we sahbihi adzmein and ask anything you want, and when you finish I am not sure do you say first Ameen or We sallatu We sallamu ala Seyidina Muhammedin we ala Alihi we sahbihi adzmein Welhamdulillahi Rabil Alemin, but I say first ameen.