how to protect children in the Ummah


I just read the book "Daughter of the Iman" which is a sad story about a girl wo is the daughter of the iman but at home she is abused by her fater at young age. Later on she turns to Christianity. Not hard to understand since she has never seen the beauty of Islam as she was threated badly by muslims.

This is the story of one girl. However I believe there are many such young girls and boys who are born muslim, who pray everydagy because they are used to but don't understand what they are saying, what it means. And I believe there are chrildren that live in moslim families that are abused because there parents don't follow the islam the way they should, who are abusive in there househoulds but good muslim outwards for which honor plays a great deal in their way of life. Because of the strict ways of the society it is hard for them to find a way out to stop the abuse or get someone to listen to them. If it's there mahram that abuses them, where can they go for help? What can the Ummah do for these children? Does anyone pay attention to them? What can the Ummah do to protect them?

muhammad sabri

Junior Member
Salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,

my dear sister indeed these stories, these realities, sadden the heart but the solution is not very far away : education, a society that is educated is a mature society that understands and that's exactly what's missing...we don't practice the ebst Islam nowadays because we don't know about it anymore! So education, getting to know about the deen and growing with this knowledge will inch'Allah help us as an Ummah and a society as a whole. In the specific case of the girls who was abused i can say this ''if the parent grew up in the knowledge of Allah and Islam would he had done it?'', we do not know the answer but surely if the girl had been educated by her family AND/OR by the muslims around her she wouldn't have left islam probanly( wallahu Alam) because she would have KNOWN(and that's the point) that what her father did was not Islam but deviance and surely a crime against Allah's law

wallahu aAlam, wa salam


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is why Jennah is at the footstep of mothers. Mother's best job they can do, with massive amounts of ajr, is to raise good children and take care of the home while the husband works. If the Mother works or does not care, the kids are raised on the streets or by people that don't care and you will get what we have in modern society, lots of scum bags out there. It is also the man's responsibility to make sure his family and children are good and he protects them from all bad things and helps the mother in raising them in the best way inshallah. Kids require lots of attention and guidance and we must all be good examples to them all the time. Disciplining them, good manners, and respecting elders is very important in my opinion too. You should not let your kids run wild or boss you around- with some kids this is much easier said than done. Basically to avoid this your kids need to know your word is final and you never break your word or change your mind, if you do the kids will get spoiled and take advantage of your kindness. This is easy for men, hard for women so you must find a balance- but better to be a strict disciplinary from day one. I am speaking from experience. It is also easy for grandparents and relatives to spoil them, nothing you can really do about that. :)

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

In the modern and the traditional society should work for educate for mothers. When mother is uneducated (for islamic or/and society manners), she can´t teach her children by the best way.