how to talk to kids?


New Member

i am 25 years old man, my young cousins does not respects me and its make me very sad and angry so i wanted to hit them but i didnt cos i control myself.

i already told their fathers, they just laugh , they said they r silly kids but not telling them.

i'm alway respect and kind to them but they are disrespect me.

How can i make them respects me?


Junior Member

Best advice I can give is, be patient and don't let them see your anger, otherwise it's a reaction they'll wish to provoke.


allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
oh ! brother just be patent..
if hey dont respect you, you respect them, be kind, and polite..
but stop talking to them, dont talk too much..maintain distance....
and show them that you big, elder to them, have that strongness...
inshallah! allah might help..


Junior Member

Depends on the age of your young cousins....if they are like pre-teen, they are probably just being goofy and immature, and may not realize that they are being disrespectful. At that age, it is best to sit them down and just explain that when they act like that, you do not like to be around them. And if they continue, you will avoid spending time with them until they act more proper - but then you actually have to follow through with that.

If they are teens, it gets harder. If you are 25, it could just be a case of you are too different from them right now. When they act disrespectful, I would simply walk away/leave the area (especially if it is making you angry - if they see they are getting a reaction from you, they will most likely think it is funny and they will keep it up).

If they are younger by only a few years, like early 20s, there is probably nothing you can do. If their parents have not corrected their poor behavior, and do not seem overly concerned about it, I would just do my best to stay away from them. That does not mean cutting off ties, just keep contact to a minimum. Some day, insha'Allah, they will grow up and learn to be respectful members of society.

The absolute worst thing you could do is to be violent with them - that will solve nothing and will probably just make rifts in your family.


New Member

hey brother I was in the same problem you were in, but I learned the hard way.. once I hit one of them.. all hell broke loose with the family, but just remain patient brother and try to find a common ground between you and them like playing video games or something and they will respect you and make you thier friend inshAllah.. Allah knows best and may he ease the hardship

if they dont act nice then act reserve with them so theyll know their place as brats as they r...if im not mistaken :D


First of all kids are NOT like animals :astag:they are blessings from Allah, I have three beautiful blessings,:mashallah:! Kids are going to test us in any way possible, they are a trial and a test for us and it is even mentioned in the Quran, subhanallah. The kids should be sat down and talked to not at or maybe have a sit down with the parents inshallah.

There is hope for every child, especially my son who has autism and I am being tested everyday, mashallah! Allah knows best.:)


Smile for Allah
I find it really hard to bear with my 11 year old disrespectful cousin. He talks to me and my brother, who are 10-15 years older than him, as if we are his equals. NO respect at all. I've tried to be distant and strict with him now, and its working a little. The worst thing is, that if I try and correct him in something in front of his mother, his mother glares at me as if I've done some horrible wrong.

Patience and keeping yourself reserved and distant is the key.


Servant of Allah
Asalamu me, i know what you mean, i am with 4 kids EVERYDAY from morning to night and they turn the house upside down and I mean LITERALLY. lol. BUT...they are just kids, you will have to convince the parents first though. after all they are the teachers of their children. YOU as an adult need to sit with them and teach them what they are lacking from their parents. make a schedule and teach them a lesson or two every day. even when they do something disrespectful, pretend you don't even care or walk away, and keep smiling, don't let them get to you. HITTING is not an answer at all. they just get a laugh out of you everytime you do that. and sometimes you end up hurting yourself more than you can hurt them. what i'm saying is: TALK, TALK, TALK TALK TO THE PARENTS. let them know that you will not stay with those kind of children, BE AN EXAMPLE FOR THE CHILDREN and someday they may just look up to you, when they won't look up to their parents.
take care wasalamu 3alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.




i am 25 years old man, my young cousins does not respects me and its make me very sad and angry so i wanted to hit them but i didnt cos i control myself.

i already told their fathers, they just laugh , they said they r silly kids but not telling them.

i'm alway respect and kind to them but they are disrespect me.

How can i make them respects me?


Be friendly with them and take part in their activities (games and stuff), and don't be too serious with them.
But, the best way to get along with them is bribe them with ice cream or chocolate, it works everytime ;)



Junior Member
I think the most important thing is to give them respect and you will get it back. Sometimes its a child`s nature but mostly how his parents treat him that affects his subsequent behavior. just be firm and kind with them,hopefully it will help.


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu allaicum dear brother

I think the most importante is that you be very patiente with children. Usually I am keeping a loot of my litlle cousins,so Alhamdulillah I have learend how to take care of them,and SubahnAllah all children are like angels and if you behave like that towered them they will back to you nicely does not metter how much naugthy they are,:)
Try to play with diffrente games with them,talk them stories and make them smile and laugh. If one of kinds get anygry on something try to be litlle hard towerd them and if he still does not listen than try on opositive way,than Inshallah try to be nice again towerd them athough some child is angry and is making problems.

I think that children are like that,if you are harsh tower them they will be even more harsh towerd you,and if you are kind towerd them they will be kind towered you too,but not more kind than you towerd them.:)

May Allah bless you
