Hush abye baby


Slave of Allah (SWT)


I hope I find all of you in good health. I came across this poem on the Net and thought I should share it with you.

Cute Song for the mum to sing to her baby
Hush abye baby

Hush abye baby, so pure and so small,
Allah created you, He created us all.

Hush abye baby, we've no need to fear,
We're never alone when Allah's so near.

Hush abye baby, breathing so calm,
He will protect us and keep us from harm.

Hush abye baby, so still and serene,
You are a Muslim and Islam is your Deen.


Noor to shine

Junior Member

Jazaki allau kairain for the beautiful poem, the most beautiful thing in our world is childhood since children are still very close to Allah subhanahu wa taaalla ....then the evilness of our world starts destroying all the noble fitra that Allah subhanahu wa taaalla plants in every they grow up ....but inshaAllah the light and guidance of islam clearify the way for more and more.


Be A Stranger

Here's a video from youtube "Hush little baby" sung by Zain Bhikha. It's the same as the poem above. MashaAllah, it's beautiful.



ALLAH is in my heart
wow MASHALLAH great poem.INSHALLAH when i will become mum i will sing this poem for my baby lolz.thanx for sharing.