I am SCARED...my Imaan fluctuates..


New Member

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam..

After many months (literally months) of contemplating in writing on this forum,I have finally decided to do so.

Some may think that I am over reacting but as someone who is trying so hard to practice Islam, I am finding it extremely difficult, as I am constantly battling with my inner soul. WE all know about "was-wasah" (evil whispering of the shaytaan) and I feel as if the shaytaan is constantly placing me under attack. I often fear for my imaan, especially after hearing verses of the Quran and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) about how some people will die in this world and everyone will read their Janazah and how everyone will think they are Muslim, but when they are awakened on the day of Judgement, they will be raised as Kafir. :astag:

Often, people whom I talk to regarding Islam are of no help either (sorry, I know that sounds bad) especially when it comes to telling me that "deobandis" are bad, dont read Salah behind them or "Brelvis" are bad etc...

I often wander whether I should bayah to a shaykh, but confusion is my state at the moment.

I have simply run out of ideas, on how to deal with my nafs... it is constantly fighting myself and visa versa.

I also wander sometimes, the best way to do sincer taubah...any ideas??




New Member
salam alaikum.
i read you and i congratulate you, to fear for ones iman is a sign of the strenght of it, even the sahaba (radiallahu anhum) used to fear for their iman, do you remember the story of Hanzala (radiallahu anhu),when he said to Abu bakr (radiallahu anhu) "i'm a munafik, Hanzala has turn munafik" he was very much worried about it, they went to see Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) and he told them that the state of iman rises and also lowers,and that if the state of his iman (Hanzala's, radiallahu anhu) will remain always as it is in the presence of Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) then the angels will say salam to him in the street's and in his bed.
Seljuk, bro,to worry about ones iman is normal and good ,everyone does worry about a beloved thing, and the most precious that we have, is our iman, but do not worry to much, because it could lead you to be despondent of the mercy of Allah, remember that shaytan attack diferent people in diferent ways, one of the things that you and all of us can do to protect ourselves is to keep the company of good, pious muslims as much as we can, in that way we will be surrounded by good influence and friends that will give us strength.
stay in touch, and let us know wassup, ok?
salam alaikum


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

First thing is to make sure that we have firm basis in Islam, that means knowing Tawheed and Aqeedah properly. Once we believe in Allah and the core parts of Islam we can inshaAllah renew our Iman and ask Allah to increase it.

Our belief in Allah and our need of him is what is the central reforming point in our lives.

Please see the following bro:

Fundamental Beliefs in Islam Tawheed and Aqeedah

Also, my signature has good articles which can help increase your Iman.



New Member
Control your Faith

Asalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah I am happy to hear that you do your best to hold on to Islam as much as you can. I believe that , as you mentioned you seem to be suffering from waswaas (insinuating whispers from the shaytaan). Below are some articles that might help you cure your problem please read them :




Personally based on my experiences I would advise you the following:

1. Try your best to remember Allah at all times by doing dhikr whether it be in the form of 'La ilaaha Illa Allah' ,'Subhan Allah' ,'Alhamdullillah' 'Allahu Akbar' or any other from as narrated from the ahadith. For dhikhr protects us from the Shaytaan.

2. Allah mentions in the qur'an that when an evil thought comes to your mind seek refuge in Allah.

And if a whisper from the devil reach thee ( O Muhammad ) then seek refuge in Allah . Lo! He is the Nearer , the Knower .[41.36]

Therefore if any evil thought comes to you then say "Aooudhubillah".

3. Strive to keep friends that help you remember Allah much. For pious and truthful friends make it easier for you to worship Allah and eventually you will become like them, adhering to the qur'an and Sunnah.

4. Whenever you feel your faith decreases just begin the dhikhr and pray nawafil salaah (voluntary prayers). Based on personal experience this is what I do when I feel the faith in my heart decreases. Moreover, reading the qur'an, listening to it, pondering over the meanings and other forms of good deeds also increase you in faith at a high level.

To conclude I would say that please be strong and remember Allah much and Insha Allah you will eventually overpower the shaytaan. I hope my advice helps you. Take care of yourself.

Wasaalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh,



New Member
Sacrifice something you love/like


I'd suggest sacrificing something for(in the way of Allah). Wether it is some 10 dollars, rupi... or wether it is just fasting for a day or two or offering extra prayers(nafl), especially in the Mosque.

Depends on how shaitan is trying to deprive you of your Iman.

If you are not married and the sexual desires are the key factor:
Muhammad(S.A.W) had prescribed fasting on single men who cannot afford to marry, as fasting keeps you in constant remembrance of Allah.

I would also suggest reading/watching something about the life of this world and the Ahirat.
There are some eyeopening videos here: http://www.harunyahya.com/html/m_video_qtype1_cat11_post1_pno1.htm

Love Allah, praise Allah, follow his quidelines. Take some time to understand the Quran and it's message.

Hope this helps, insh-Allah


Junior Member

The previous posters have given you some excellent advice brother, especially the 4 points that brother Mateen has mentioned, which I will also reiterate. Whenever you have free time, try to spend it doing dhikr. Remembering Allah is the best way to cure yourself and to strengthen your faith. Even just coming onto this website and learning and posting to help others counts. The fact that you have come here and expressed your concern for your iman is enough for you to know that you have already taken the first step in getting the strength of your iman back up.

Also, if your day-to-day life lacks spirituality then try to go to the mosque more often. Does your local mosque run talks, lectures, local community events? Get involved! Being around other brothers doing these sorts of things will do wonders for your iman.

May Allah grant us refuge from shaytan and help you to increase your faith. And Allah knows best.



Junior Member

All have raised good point Masha'Allah. However, the single most important point is be regular with Salah (prayers), that is the single biggest help you can possibly get.

What you are doing is jihad & Insha'Allah may Allah accept it. Amen.

WaAliekum Assalam

mr. ok

Junior Member
Dear Seljuk


:salam2: To my dear brothers and sisters (Muslims & non-Muslims).

Posted by Seljuk: Often, people whom I talk to regarding Islam are of no help either (sorry, I know that sounds bad) especially when it comes to telling me that "deobandis" are bad, dont read Salah behind them or "Brelvis" are bad etc...

You know whats your problem? It appears you dont know how to perform salat the proper way because if you did you would know who you could perform salat behind or with (deobandis, brelvis, shia's etc).

I suggest you stop listening to what people tell you and pick up Sahih Al-Bukhari and read the Book of Salat. Once you have learned how to perform salat the proper way you will automatically know who you can perform salat with or behind (deobandies, brelvis & shia's etc).

May the blessings of Allah be upon all of you.

Best Regards,

Mr. ok


New Member
I have passed through the same thing as u.And even sometimes I believe no one on earth has offensed Allah as me.My Iman fluctuates not in days but also in seconds.And when I hear the hadith you qouted above,it seems to refer to me.All these create stress and make you stressed and lose your total confidence.
concerning the soultion(it is just my opinion)
1.you should increase your knowledge
2.Remember Allah, that really reduce "wes was"

And for more explanation make a little bit clearer,
your brother In Islam


New Member
Jazakallah to ALL

Jazkallah to ALL that have replied. Walahi, they have helped, especially thelink provided on Waswasah. (whispering).

May Allah guide us all. ameen
