I am Seriously Annoyed Now

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Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I pray that all of you brothers and sisters are well Inshallah...

So since November 4th...and the "historic" moment which the U.S. witnessed by having Barack Obama become its first African American president...

I have been hearing people harping over the following topics...

ooohhhh inshallah he will fix our condition

oooohhhh inshallah he will solve our issues (i.e. Palestine & Iraq)

oooohhhh inshallah he will bring change to us as well (mind you these are people living in MUSLIM COUNTRIES!!!!)

Ya Allah!!! why did he pick an Israeli-Zionist for his Chief of Staff???...shame on him...we thought he's better than that!!!

Ya Allah!!! why has he not done anything for Iraq yet???...he was lying..it's obvious...shame on him!!!

tsk tsk tsk!!!...he has not mentioned anything about our issues and conditions...Americans should have voted for McCain instead!!!

tsk tsk tsk...we thought now that he is president he will bring us comfort and affluence..we haven't seen anything!!! (mind you AGAIN...these are people in MUSLIM COUNTRIES!!!)



is THIS what we have come to???...

first of all...

affluence and comfort come from Allah...it blows my mind that anybody with all conviction...waits for it to come from another HUMAN...when they're Muslim...and they should KNOW BETTER!!!

and second of all....

we have people living almost 10,000 miles away from here (U.S.)...watching and analyzing...every "um".."uh"..and "blink of an eye"...Obama makes!!!...crossing their fingers...and hoping that he will show up on tv with that charming smile...and give us THE DOME OF THE ROCK BACK...or better yet...WITHDRAW FROM BAGHDAD OVERNIGHT!!!...or perhaps...be so nice as to shut down Guantanamo...and along the way...give solace and compensation for the innocent Afghans suffering...or even maybe take in a few Russians for war crimes committed in Chechnya before Eid Al-Adh'ha...

it's PREPOSTEROUS!!...nonetheless EMBARRASSING!!!

why in the world would you want ANOTHER COUNTRY to come do what YOU'RE supposed to do for yourself???


Making a strong will for HAQ and fighting for what is ours earns us not only the ears that will listen and the eyes that will look...but also the support of an Omnipotent Almighty Lord!!!...Who can get us through anything...and with His permission..allow us the accomplishment of anything...

Obama will and can and has the right to assign whom ever he wants to his staff...cabinet...or even carpet cleaning duties!!!...he is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...not...Saudi Arabia...not...Iraq...not...Pakistan...not...Indonesia...not...Afghanistan...not...Algeria...not...Sudan...it's THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...

it only MAKES SENSE...that he will pave a path leading to whatever benefits...*himself*...*his* country..and...*its* people...oh and in case I forgot to mention which country that would be...it is...THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...NOT THE MIDDLE-EAST AND ITS SURROUNDING AREAS!!!

don't get me wrong...I am not saying I have given up my stand on issues concerning Muslims...what pains and harms any Muslim...pains and hurts ME!!!...because as a Muslim I am meant to stand with haq even if it costs me my life!!!...

but seriously...and sorry if it sounds tough...as an Ummah...we need to have less whiners...and more fighters...to at least POINT US SOMEWHERE...and instead of watching TV to see what Obama is up to today...perhaps we need to get moving and begin a movement to earn what we have lost and fix our own problems with our OWN EFFORTS...our OWN MINDS...our OWN MEN...and thus...our OWN HANDS!!!

members of our Ummah..sitting in their homes...legs propped up on couches..cigarettes or sunflower seeds in hand...with about 3 cups of tea laying on the table (flies buzzing around are optional!!!)...comments of the sort you read earlier going back and forth...need to get that already!!!...they need to understand that President Obama...President This..and President That...will not give them the time of day (or night for that matter) if they don't set a foot down and raise their voices high!!!

and remember the following:

Verily never will Allah change a condition of a people until they change what is within their souls [Ra'd 13:11]


"Surely, Allah wastes not the reward of the Muhsinun (the good-doers)." [Al-Tawba 9:120]

I just thought I'd say this...because really it's frustrating me...and I don't know how many of you have noticed what I noticed...but on my part...I am going to say what I just said to anyone who harps and whines about the topics listed above!!!...at least I'll make them stop doing that if nothing else!!!

Thank You for reading (possibly replying) and May Allah Bless You!!!



Islam is mijn macht
salam oealaikoem sister,

its right what u say.. i dont know of OBAMA would change the world.
ALLAH is the one who do everything what he want. nobody can change it!

We can Pray and pray to ALLAH.



Junior Member
Finally it had to be said ....thank u so much for ur post. we sink in our estimation! Otherwise we would never hope that the new President will care about our affairs. No matter who is the President, no mater if it is Bush, McCain, Obama or whoever. the foreign policy of the US will never change. I mean if Abu leheb or Abu Cahil is there a diffrence? We can only change our fate by ourself! Others will not give a damn about our affairs. We have to get rit of that sickniss in our hearts, Al-Whan (love for the world, comfort). Islam means activity not passiveness! Just look at the life of our beloved Prophed Muhammed s.a.w.


La Ilaha Ilalah
i totally agree with you that Obama don't care for muslims ! i used to say that he "sell his soul for a vote" if he is close to a jew he will say " i support israel state" if he is close to a cristhian he will say " i found Jesus" please muslims shouldn't be celebrating so much that he win, do you really think he will do something for us ? he declarete several times that he is not muslim, he alredy said that he support and will help Israel didn't he ? honestly well frist if i were american i would not vote for sure ( in any place btw not even in my contry that the vote is a obligation i vote) inshAllah that he change the muslims situation but i think very hard because he alredy said that he is supporting israel and because even if he wanted help if he say that americans will hate him and want he give up only if he were muslim he would do something.


Striving for Paradise
Very good sister you are so right.

Actually I don't know why people have ever thought that Obama will do any different than Bush. He is the same guy with a different color of skin.

No one can become the US president who wouldn't implement the Illuminati/Zionist agenda.

As a matter of fact he will create an even bigger deception than Bush did with his war of terror, because he is "black" and he is a democrat, so he will be a bigger deceiver (BTW Dajjal means deceiver).

I predict that within first year of his term he will do the next 9/11 and then things will progress fast.
Why first year? Because all the setup for the next phase is ready, and Illuminatis are iching for it and frankly why they would want to wait when everything is ready.

So watch out people. Don't get caught in the devil's trap.


Allah will decide

All I see here is people who sit on their hiney, complain all the time, won't do anything. Says Allah will do all, but when Allah puts someone in power, they complain about them. (that is complaining about Allah, right????)

Yes tsk tsk tsk on the ummah who complains and does nothing. The Muslim world is big enough to do something about Palestine, but oh right, they don't believe in passing legislation, lobbying for themselves, then so be it.

It sure doesn't seem that the Muslims want to be proactive for change, but are in their comfort zone complaining. At least on this site, that is.

"IF you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got."


Islam is mijn macht
All I see here is people who sit on their hiney, complain all the time, won't do anything. Says Allah will do all, but when Allah puts someone in power, they complain about them. (that is complaining about Allah, right????)

Yes tsk tsk tsk on the ummah who complains and does nothing. The Muslim world is big enough to do something about Palestine, but oh right, they don't believe in passing legislation, lobbying for themselves, then so be it.

It sure doesn't seem that the Muslims want to be proactive for change, but are in their comfort zone complaining. At least on this site, that is.

"IF you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got."


Do you mean we?


(im sorry for my english)


Staff member
wa alaykum salam,

Well, no matter who is the leader, all success comes from Allah. The Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Even if the Muslims had best armies, best everything, they will not be able to do anything without permission of Allah.

Likewise, if the Muslims, are in the position they are in now, i.e weak, they can not do anything without Allah's help.

Muslims have money, they could have influence and power and they could do a great deal of good for other Muslims and humanity. But, unless they really apply Islam to their lives and not just have Muslim names, we will remain weak.

So, the key is to worship Allah properly, stick to Islam properly, have the best manners and help people, Allah will help us.



Striving for Paradise
wa alaykum salam,

Well, no matter who is the leader, all success comes from Allah. The Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Even if the Muslims had best armies, best everything, they will not be able to do anything without permission of Allah.

Likewise, if the Muslims, are in the position they are in now, i.e weak, they can not do anything without Allah's help.

Muslims have money, they could have influence and power and they could do a great deal of good for other Muslims and humanity. But, unless they really apply Islam to their lives and not just have Muslim names, we will remain weak.

So, the key is to worship Allah properly, stick to Islam properly, have the best manners and help people, Allah will help us.

MashaAllah brother Mabsoot,
What a great and consize reply. I agree with you totally.

We need to learn about people like Kalid bin Walid (RA), Tariq bin Zayad and others and learn that how much 'tawakul' they had on Allah (SWT).

I believe that Muslim ummah is getting there slowly but at this point we are unable to see, and it is because most of us just see CNN, ABC, BBC, CBC and all other ABCDs and think that they are getting the facts.

There is a great lecture from Imam Anwar AlAwlaki - "Allah is preparing us for victory".
This is a great lecture to listen.


Allah will decide
Well Said....Mabsoot

Well said, and until Muslims wake up and smell the roses, all will remain the same.....


sister in Islam
Barakallahufik brother , yes we have to help ourselves definatly then Allah tal'aa will help us .We can never depend on non muslims to do the work for us , inshallah we will all unite one day and make the world a better place for all ............Ameen


Servant of Allah
Wow! sister such strong words, mashAllah! and i do agree with you. i kept telling muslims do not think that he will help you because only Allah can, do not expect him to feel sorry for you because he won't. i kept repeating, a kuffar is a kuffar. but not one person listened to me. in fact i started falling into their circle and saying to myself "maybe he will help the muslim lands", then again i thought "nah". sister you are so right, just today as i was watching the news he wanted to "stop iran from it's missile buildings". "because they are terrorists", he was walking with bush side by side or maybe even hand in hand, who knows what else is in the future except Allah. people if you're reading this, get a clue, you're a muslim- you're what they want to destroy...get moving and start taking care of yourself, your family, your people and most importantly those who defended you while you slept, ate, and breathed....the MUJAHIDEEN OF ALL THE MUSLIM LANDS. especially those of IRAQ and PALESTINE! peace! asalamu alaykum wrwb.


Junior Member
Well said sister a_muslimah86..

If Muslim countries keep sitting back watching from afar, then nothing will change, it might even get worse.

regarding Palestine and Afghanistan and every other muslim country who is in war, The only way for their freedom is by having all muslim countries allied in one army.
Dont tell me we dont want war or we shouldnt do it.. please, we've been chickening for too long.

We negotiate when there are two muslim countries fighting, yes. But not when a Kafir country is taking over a muslim country. this is very wrong, because during the time we take for talking we are sacrifying more muslim lives. and boy "did we do that"!!

How many more should die.. How many more should suffer.. How many more should wait..

For now, all we can do as individuals is pray for them.

I just hope there is one who is man enough to remind our leaders and wake them up.


Junior Member

I agree wid u i remember i heard a lecture da sahabi's in prophet mohammad(PBUH) time they were in so much power even duo the muslims were few n they alwayz win the battle cuz the wer not afraid of diein...prophet mohammad (pbuh) said one time to sahabi's the non muslims will gather like they eat on the table wen they r hungary they will discuss how to finish muslims so a sahabi asked Prophet mohammad(PBUH) will it be cuz we muslims will be less in the world prophet mohammad (pbuh) replied da muslims will b in greater number but they will b coward they will b scared of death in there heart will be luv for diz world..... just luk at da muslims all they want is lifestyle of americans so called western style's n nt followin prophet mohammad (PBUH) including me all in our heart is luv for diz world n inshalllah wen diz will change dat day muslims will unite n jesus (PBUH) will rise he will unite da muslims n finish all da dajjal..jew..n..christians...nw everywer muslim's are killed ... one of the sign of judgement day is the worse will be the leader of u....<< imagine after hitler till nw every leader is getting worse n worse nw obama is sayin same as wat bush said 4 years ago or 8 years ago ofcourse they want to help americans in there fightin da terror scheme killin civilians n while iraq n afghanistan n palistine pplz r fightin for there freedom they r called terriost n american's kill innocent pplz they are fightin da terror dat is da reason y allah(swt) is nt wid us cuz we think americans will bring peace..... all bro's n sis's is time to raise our voice's... allaho akhbar... oh allah(swt) forgive us and save palestine iraq afghanistan n da other muslim country n da muslims who r killed horobily o allah wen u will ask us in judgement day wat were u doing wen da innocents sister who were shoutin help my muslim bro they were rape n killed we wont have any answar for dat oh allah the innocents children r killed wen they will complain no1 came for help wat will u answar??? u wrk for the western world u wear there clothes u leave ur prophet mohammad (PHUB) sunnah for them so they can be ur friend n u send ur sons n daughters to the western skool forget da akhirat n only put luv inside there heart 4 diz world o muslim's wat happened to uss... diz is da only way y we are often beaten n killed cuz our luv for diz world has increased n we dunt fear once we go inside da grave no1 will cum only 2-3 tears dan they will leave u like dat wat will help u in da grave.. oo allah(swt) guide us make our love only for u allah .... allah u forgive those who ask forgiveness allah :SMILY23:... wat will we answar those sisters n brothers who were killed murdered raped .... we should wake up... iz been long time wake up leave da darknestt Allaho akhbar


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Recently I saw so many threads on TTI discussing Obama ,and it is really annoying...
First of all I think we should stop backbiting him and leave him to Allah ..
Allah is the one to judge him ...

Second Its better to spend time on something more beneficial then discussing Obama ...
Its time for us Muslims to stop pointing fingers at others and start learning Tawheed and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet ,peacebe upon him...

And as brother mabsoot said , no matter who is the leader, all success comes from Allah

waaleikum salam
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