i am wondering......


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters,
i know that governments are totally different from people. however this silence in the world drove me to wonder if americans and europeans hearts feel something when they see what happening in palestine, irak and the other countries or not. i will not be honest with you if i do not tell you that i cry when i see how people are being treated in those countries. they are people like us, do they not have right to live as everyone in this world.
sometimes it seems to me that this world has been deteriorated and approaching its end to the point that someone feels that we are living in a forest, where the logic for remaining is for who is the most powerful.
please tell me how do you fell about what happening in the world?.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum


:SMILY209: I am gobsmacked,speechless I don`t what to say and where to STOP....



Junior Member
Asalam Alikoum wa rahamtallah
I also just cry and cry sometimes subhanallah but then I remmerb there is a reason for this and everything that Allah subhana wa ta'ala has ordained is good for our ummah even if WE cant see any good in it. I feel clam. May ALLAH give victory to the rightly guided mustiqueem ameen. I do not worry because the mehdi and our ummah are promised victory starting with only 10,000 men subhanallah.

Some people are really working very hard to uncover the lies of this adfministration and are not being silent at all the media however does not cover it that much.

It just goes to show how much people really have a voice here when 83% of the people dont agree at all with us being in Iraq yet we are still there..... What you have to understand is that people here are lied to they think they have freedom of press they dont, they beleive they have been given freedoms but thier lives are immersed in slavish bondage of chasing after money and material possesions.... they immerse themselves in television and anywhere from casual drinking to and endless amount of addictions , drink and drugs endless amounts of riba and debt and are always looking for "fun" the kuffar use this as a way to keep there minds away from important issues. May ALLAH subhana wa ta'ala continue to guide them to the straight path ameen.

I am saddened at the opresssion I am saddened by the violations of decent rights of our brothers and sisters, I cant sleep sometimes thinking about them subahnallah I pray for thier suffering to end and to give thier families peace and justice, I really wish there was more I could do sometimes.


Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum

It breaks my heart to see those things happening to people whether they are a muslim or not... those who are killing innocent people have no heart whatsoever.


New Member
Of course it's very sad to witness that there are people in this world who are being blamed a lot, but with the current governments that are in the world right now are our obstacle to convey our opinion for the people that are being blamed in this world, a big example is Palestine.

May Allah give peace and harmony to all mankind insha' Allah.


Signing Out.....

There is also a reason for the suffering of Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad :saw: Said in a hadith, that when the people forsake the Quran and Sunnah, the humiliation of Allah will befall them. And that this humiliation would not be lifted untill the people returned to the deen. I'll add the exact hadith once I find it inshallah. Look at the state of our ummah right now. Can you honestly say that people nowadays live their lives according to the Quran or Sunnah? Or do the majority just act on their whims and desires?

"When you deal in 'eenah (a transaction involving usury), take hold of the tails of cows, become content with agriculture and abandon jihaad in the path of Allaah, then Allaah will permit your humiliation and He will not remove it from you, until you return to your Religion."

Saheeh: Related by Abu Daawood (no.3462) and al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunanul-Kubraa (5/316), from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (29/30



Junior Member

Asc my dear sisters and brothers ,

im so sad to think about it right now . am not usally thinking about it , only when people mention it , alhamdulah u have let me remember it , i feel like a idiot how can i forgot my brothers and sisters in islam be treated like that. May allah help them and let them be strong in theirs faiht. May Allah give them reward for theirs patience. And may Allah give them a better life in the hereaffter , Amiin Ya rabbi :tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister: