New Member
I am in a bad situation. My family works in haram business and I want out. If I leave that means I would have to leave the house and would need to find a job. Is allah going to punish me if I leave them alone? I tried multiple times to get them out the haram business and still they always have excuses like what else are we going to do and etc. I am done dealing with them and there haram its gotten to a point where I am disgusted to look at them. What should I do???


♥Amor vincit omnia♥
I don't know it seems like a complicated situation, talk it over with your local imam.


Junior Member
i know that must be such a hard situation for you but i think you have to boycott the business, maybe you can have the initiative to start a new business and then they will join you? the prophet (saas) said that the body that is nourished from haraam food will touch the Fire (of hell). Allah save us. I hope that Allah helps you find a way out in this situation


Junior Member
:salam2: brother,

look for a job in which you can earn your money in a halal way. I don´t know why you have to leave your house in this case but even if you leave your house do not leave your family! Keep on struggeling to make them leave the haram business... inshaallah they will repent.



Junior Member
Bro- I'm sorry- but it's best to boycott the business. Maybe you will get bad points for leaving them, but you'd go EVEN LOWER if you sold haram things to people- because that would be like HELPING shaytan make them go astray. You will probably get hasanat if you leave it, being as it is a burden on you :)