I have Realized

warda A


I Have Realized that
Tears convey more than words can ever say

I Have Realized that
Lonelier you feel, lonelier the world makes you feel

I Have Realized that
Even if I deserve the reward, I get to beg in order to get it.

I Have Realized that
Words had hurt me more than wounds I have suffered in life

I Have Realized that
No matter how many times I pray, I only get what I rightfully deserve.

I Have Realized that
When am ecstatic about something, there is never enough people to share it with.

I Have Realized that
A face is not as important as it is made to believe.

I Have Realized that
It is not always a coward who gives up a fight, smart people do too.

I Have Realized that
Kids are never at fault, they just mirror our faults.

I Have Realized that
One person's misery is another person's merriment.

I Have Realized that
Even relationship has an expiry date.


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striving 4 Firadous
wa alaikum salaam
that was quite beautiful and so very true especially the last statement about love and the one about prayer

warda A

quite true

Asalamualikum my sister Warda, :hijabi:
They are very thought provoking. :ma:

Except the relationship with Allah, which is eternal. :ma:

quite true that relationship with Allah is eternal.
maybe i should have added that