i need help!


New Member

i just finished my degree this year ( faculty of applied arts/industrial design major)
i have a plan to study abroad specifically at Itay
but am afraid about something and it really worries me alot
am afraid that if i live there while am studing
i might have Fittna specially because its a European country
i dunno what to do about that
also i want u to consider that i will look for a job there besides my study
and i heared that all jobs there are related to Haram things like pizza restaurants were they offer whine and pork meat
or any other jobs thats related to haram things
some one suggest what to do
specially if there is italian muslems here in the fourm that will help me alot to have a better view about if i can have a good muslim life right there or not!

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
well, i am ot from italy but , see if you wanna study and there is only one country italy, then you can go but! your islam must be strong so that you dont get astray!!


to Allah we belong
living in west is very risky today.

maybe u can try some other nation where u can find good religious muslims like USA, UK, etc.

iman is the greatest treasure...we cant leave it open to the world to steal it away frm us.


Junior Member

as brother ahmed indian said, you should try countries like the usa or uk, alot of muslims there, but if its impossible you should do your reserch and find out which city in italy has the most muslims (i guess milan)and you dont always have to go and work in a pizza shop were they sell haram, why dont you try retail shops were they sell cloths ? thats not related to haram, there are hallal jobs out there, if you reserch ul find out.