I need to PM someone who is knowledgeable in the Quran


Junior Member

aoa brother: why dont you go to somebody in your mosque? too lazy for your deen?

Why would you even suggest that a person is lazy? Do you know them personally? Do you know if they even live within walking distance of a masjid? You do not know any of the circumstances and yet you let out a comment like that. If you want to make a suggestion like, "try to go to the masjid and find someone who is learned to help you", then that is good. But if you are going to bring attitude along with it then keep your comments to yourself and do not cause fitnah.



Junior Member

Brother steve is right.......Maybe you should consider If someone was in walking distance away from a mosque or not. Well I do not live within walking distance from any mosque and it takes more than 10 mins to get there and I dont drive since I dont have a license yet. :)


Staff member

I need to PM someone who is knowledgeable in the Quran

thank you

wa 'alaykum salam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

What i do not realize is why it is so important that it be by PM? Perhaps if it is personal then try posting in the brothers only section or something along those lines and someone can find appropriate answer for you.

The thing is, I do not believe any of us here on TTI are really scholars - therefore for any one of us to claim then that we are knowledgeable about Qur'aan well, it's a bit of a daunting thought. The Qur'aan is not something that every highwayman and hobo can simply understand, it takes looking into classical texts, the understandings of the scholars of the past, the books of tafseer etc

So although some of us may know parts of something, or we may be able to look it up - i do not think it a good idea to personally ask someone and rely on them just from TTI. Also to state, anybody could potentially say they understand the Qur'aan but in reality they may preach deviance to you, and you'd never know because of their claim of knowledge... unless something really seemed fishy -but some people even without the intention to may say things wrong, so I'd be careful who I'd go to, and either make sure it's someone who i know takes from correct sources, or a scholar.. ?

Allah knows best, it is just my opinion
