If I Should Speak

As Salaamu Alaikum,

Just wondering if anyone has read the book If I Should Speak by Umm Zakiyyah, or any of her other books (Realities of Submission, A Voice, or Footsteps).

I am finishing up the first book listed, which I think is great at explaining Islam while maintaining the reader's interest. It brings up soooo many issues and ideas I have developed over the years while growing up in a family of Christians and Muslims.


Junior Member

I thought "If I should speak" was a pretty good book for both muslims and non-muslims alike. A lot of non-muslims like the book. I would recommend it.



Junior Member
I haven't read them but I would like to read them soon Insha Allah. My sister's friend was telling me about the first book If I could speak so I kinda know what happens, but I would still like to read it because it sounded like a very interesting story.


Junior Member
Salaam Aleykom sister, mashaAllah I have heard of it but never actually got a chance to check it out. Now that you reminded me I will definitely do so since I love reading and I also come from a mostly Christian family. Jazak Allahu kharun my sister.