I'm a new muslim sister is there any sisters in WA I can get in contact with


New Member
Salam aleykum, I've just recently moved to WA and I am a new muslim I was wondering if there's any sisters who I could get in contact with, also is there any muslim female doctors or psychologists i need that too


Junior Member
:salam2: im a brother.

but there a loooot of sisters here who can help you. and we have female doctors too! so stay tuned. Inshallah they will help.


New Member
Salam alaykum

Hello sister. I do not live in WA, I live in the USA. But I will be willing to help you with whatever you need. You can pm me, or my email address is *removed* and you can email me anytime. We can talk if you would like. I am not a registered psychologist but am in college studying right now. If you need anything just send me an email. Hope to hear from you soon! InshaAllah


Junior Member
Awwwww! Argh!

Sis- I hope others, including the wonderful sis above :D
can help you! :D

I don't have any experiance of that, and I live in Canada, but if you ever need help of any other kind, let me know. :) And I'll try my best to help you. :D
