IM new here HELPmee please!!!

soulja of islam

New Member
salam my dear brothers and sisters in islam,

Im new in this forum, i didnt know who else to help mee:

Basically im in a little dilema, well i go to a mixed college and there are a number of males in my class they basically come to give me hi 5's as they walk in and well i dont like to humiliate them infront of the class by letting them down so i give them a hi5 back and they also talk to me about things in the class and i give them advice and talk back but the other day when i came home i realized what i was doing was wrong and i really want to change but the problem is that i dont know how to explain to none muslims why muslim girls are not allowed to talk to them and touch them without them thinking im an extremist its really hard due to the fact that im a really bubbly person and when i go back they will think what happend to this girl the crazy sudden change,

so if you could please help me try and explain to them as i really dont know how to.


wasalam your sister in islam


New Member
al salmo allikom
really it's good to do that and know your religion orders and it's difficult to explain that to non muslims
but the main point that you must be want that from your self to execute the orders of allah even that the peopel like that or no the main thing is allah satisfaction about us
you can declare to them the meaning of that and why allah want us to do that
and made that the beginning to let them know the islam
make your self an ambassador to islam in every where
and allah guide you
because allah love us and help us in his way


New Member
Be humble with people,but do not let anybody on your way,talk to them the nice way and you wil feel good about yourself in your heart thats what make you happy and have a safe feeling.I guarante that they will never look at you as an extremist,they will give you respect much better,good continuation.

user expired!

Junior Member

Sister welcome to tti!

The first thing is that we must make Allah happy in all situatuions before anyone else!

Next time they try and Say hi5 just give them a thumbs up or something if u cant ignore them!

Dont let them touch you ! it can lead to bad things!

i also went to a mixed College and i as a brother had the same problem, my friend had it worse cos the teacher kept touching him and she was female and he kept telling her stop! ( it wasnt in sexual way but that is how she was with everyone!)

you just have to be brave and tell them i cant do that anymore cos its against my faith!

try and sit at the back or away from boys!:)

soulja of islam

New Member
shukran brothers and sisters

I really do appreciate it man, inshallah when i go college tommorrow i will try and do all the ideas you guys gave me.

make duaa minfadlikum..
