Income Tax

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I once wrote a letter to the IRS. I told them they knew my bio. I was not able to afford a trip to Mars so would they leave me alone for a minute. I am on the "list". I have not had a break in a decade. It's a shame.


Info Warrior

I once wrote a letter to the IRS. I told them they knew my bio. I was not able to afford a trip to Mars so would they leave me alone for a minute. I am on the "list". I have not had a break in a decade. It's a shame.

Have you ever seen the law that specifically and unequivically requires an American citizen who works and earns a wage in America to pay an Income tax.
Who in here pays an income tax

Salaam first off to you.

Pretty eye catching screen name there. I think someone would be a fool to answer if they don't pay taxes, because technically speaking you can get fined or even imprisoned if the IRS finds out!

I thought I should should share this humor with you too:

A man once got off work late after an extremely busy day. It was real dark outside and he was suddenly approached from behind by a man with a ski mask and and a gun, he said "give me ALL YOUR MONEY" The robber looked at him from head to toe and noticed the long trench coat, a 3 piece suit, and a suitcase. The robber asked the guy "what do you do?" he replied "I'm a Federal tax agent" the robber said in that case "Give me back ALL MY MONEY"

P.S. I am also a tax preparer


Info Warrior
I get your point but the tax is unconstitutional and illegal

Salaam first off to you.

Pretty eye catching screen name there. I think someone would be a fool to answer if they don't pay taxes, because technically speaking you can get fined or even imprisoned if the IRS finds out!

I thought I should should share this humor with you too:

A man once got off work late after an extremely busy day. It was real dark outside and he was suddenly approached from behind by a man with a ski mask and and a gun, he said "give me ALL YOUR MONEY" The robber looked at him from head to toe and noticed the long trench coat, a 3 piece suit, and a suitcase. The robber asked the guy "what do you do?" he replied "I'm a Federal tax agent" the robber said in that case "Give me back ALL MY MONEY"

P.S. I am also a tax preparer

Well I say that because title 26 of United States Code states those liable to the Income tax are resident aliens and foreign corporations. Even the Internal Revenue code says paying is voluntary compliance. There have been numerous supreme court decisions which state" the provisions of the 16 th amendment confer no new power of taxation nor do they change the taxing restrictions in the constitution" This was Stanton v Baltic Mining. Further we can't forget if you file you are waving your 5th amendment right from self-incrimination because your 1040 has to be impecable otherwise you do not pass go you do not collect 200 dollars you go to jail. Of course the real big issue is brought to light in the book " The Law That Never Was" by Bill Bennson, which documents how the sixteenth amendment was never properly ratified. However I never encourage people not to pay because it is like Mao said "Government grows out of the barrel of a gun."


Junior Member
Taxes are a necessary evil in this country!
It is used for schools, roads, it subsidizes farmers, industries. It helps people who are out of work, it is used to keep out national forests and other lands safe from the bull dozer. These are JUST a few things! IMO EVERYONE should pay taxes, it is necessary.



Please do not get me started again. How many senators were there to vote?
The income tax is illegal. How do you ratify with 3 votes? No you do not need income tax to pay for schools, roads, etc.
It is not legal...

Please do not get me started again. How many senators were there to vote?
The income tax is illegal. How do you ratify with 3 votes? No you do not need income tax to pay for schools, roads, etc.
It is not legal...


I'm not sure what you are trying to say here sister, paying taxes is a necessity. Taxes are used to pay for the enforcement of law and public order (i.e. police), protection of property, economic infrastructure (roads, legal tender, enforcement of contracts, etc), public works, social engineering, to fund welfare, and public services (education systems, health care systems, pensions for the elderly, unemployment compensation, public transportation, energy, water, and other public utilities).

Sure, I don't agree with how some of our money is being spent (i.e. to support their wars) but I believe there are more beneficial factors than negative ones.

As a Muslim you have to abide by the rules, laws, and regulations in the country you are living in.

If anyone who does not want to pay taxes, become a hermit and live in the mountains of Colorado, where no one will find you.


Info Warrior
Taxes are a necessary evil in this country!
It is used for schools, roads, it subsidizes farmers, industries. It helps people who are out of work, it is used to keep out national forests and other lands safe from the bull dozer. These are JUST a few things! IMO EVERYONE should pay taxes, it is necessary.

The income tax is not just and we should do away with it because all the money that is collected is paid to a private bank(The Federal Reserve) to print our money and then they loan it to us at interest. However the government has the power to print money and circulate with out interest thus we don't need an income tax. Check out the Grace Commission Report.



The Federal Reserve has nothing to with the US government. It is a private enterprise. That makes it a bigger joke.

To the humble one: Brother, if you look at the way the income tax bill was passed you will understand that it was illegal. What I am saying is the money collected from our hard work is not used to reinvest in public funds. It is given to a group of zionist fianaceers. The Federal Reserve is not a government bank. Please do me a favor..look up the Federal Reserve will not find it listed under any government agency.

I will dig up a video for you guys to watch. It is another eye-opener.


Junior Member
Asalam Alikoum
Yet again agrees with miraj, Schools and roads are paid with property taxes, the fed reserve is jsut as mirajmom states There is no law on the books about taxing income!


Info Warrior

The Federal Reserve has nothing to with the US government. It is a private enterprise. That makes it a bigger joke.

To the humble one: Brother, if you look at the way the income tax bill was passed you will understand that it was illegal. What I am saying is the money collected from our hard work is not used to reinvest in public funds. It is given to a group of zionist fianaceers. The Federal Reserve is not a government bank. Please do me a favor..look up the Federal Reserve will not find it listed under any government agency.

I will dig up a video for you guys to watch. It is another eye-opener.

asalam alikum
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