Video Interviews with Latifa(Rachel) and Her Parents..



Can you imagine I am Stupid

I am s.m.abdullah al mamun. i am a Bangladeshi man of 31, single, a born muslim, But I always do sin. Is there any one who will show the right way.

Rare Rose

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I like this web site
I'm a Muslim lady from Saudi Arabia
If anyone needs help or anything about Islam,ask me ..
Allah bless u all


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[imgleft][/imgleft]Latifa (Rachel) and her Parents Talk about Islam. Latifa (Rachel) Became Muslim whilst still studying in University as a Teenager. Her family were shocked by her decision. But, as they come to terms with it, they realise that their ideas about it were completely wrong. Her Mother Says regarding her daughter's reversion to Islam, "And Now We have a Very forthright, intelligent, independent young lady as a daughter. And i am so proud of her!"

bismillah arrahmani arrahim
i am very happy to see our sisters and brothers conert to islam .and take the right path to our God . i hopeall people know the truth and discuss that with their neighbours and families to show them what is hidden in their religion from wrong way to Allah .
thanks to all who participate in this site to help people to know their religion with the samplest way .
your brother omar from morocco .
make dua for me .and i am asking that from you.


New Member
bismillah arrahmani arrahim
i am very happy to see our sisters and brothers conert to islam .and take the right path to our God . i hopeall people know the truth and discuss that with their neighbours and families to show them what is hidden in their religion from wrong way to Allah .
thanks to all who participate in this site to help people to know their religion with the samplest way .
your brother omar from morocco .
make dua for me .and i am asking that from you.


New Member
Eid Moubarek INSHA ALLAH

Salem aleykoum dear sister latifa
my name is mourad im muslim i've been living in england for the last 18yrs and it has been hard been in muslim in uk specialy when someone cames here young like my self i mean going out and staff and forgetting islam and what i should realy be doing but when i see someone like your self its realy great and makes me want to find my path to islam just like i was when i first came to this country i just hope i hear from you insha allah
salem aleykoum


New Member
Latifa (Rachel)

I am a revert to Islam and wanted to say that Latifa from the UK is truly an amazing young woman. She has extreme strenght, and also her parents i know coming from a large Irish family it's not easy on non muslims. Its a whole new life style and i am very glad they except her as a muslim they are role model parents.Thank's for sharing ! God bless


New Member
assalamalaikum sister
i was wondering if you have the email of Latifa as Iam doing a study on why people convert to Islam it would be great to talk with her inshallah


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M.S.Raaiq Afghani


first of all i saying u congratulation of revert to Islam, Dear Latifa:
hi to you and hope to be fine and good, i am so greet that u become muslim, i am muslim from the first be the greet mercy of ALLAH, and wish u more and more success of the both worlds.


New Member
Congratulation sister for making the best decision of your life. Welcome to Islam. You have received so many good deeds and rewards from Allah that it is hard to explain in words. It is an honor to have somebody like you joining Islam. You have made a great sacrifice by leaving Christianity and reverting to The True Religion. I strongly belief that Muslim women do more Dawa (Invitation to Islam) than us men due to wearing head scarf and looking beautiful but humble at the same time. May Allah make it easy for you and your parents. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to make such a drastic change at such a young age. Try to be part of Muslim community by going to your local Masjid (Mosque) regularly and participate in the activates. Just follow the Holly Qurran and Sunnah (Holly Prophet’s life) you will be in great shape and at peace with yourself Inshallah (Allah willing). On top of that I would suggest reading books written by revert to Islam as they went through same what you are going through now. Please feel free to ask for help any time you need. I hope you get to come to this site and realize how many friends you have here :)


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ALLAH is Great

alhamdo lillah sister has chosen a right path,,may Allah success her life in duniya and hereafter and also Almighty Allah give hadayat and right path to her parents as well.Ameen


New Member
Alhamdulillah , Allah has guided our sister to the path of success, in this world and here after.New muslims face many hurdles and thus they get greater reward.


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Videos of People who Became Muslims. read liston quran online

[imgleft][/imgleft]Latifa (Rachel) and her Parents Talk about Islam. Latifa (Rachel) Became Muslim whilst still studying in University as a Teenager. Her family were shocked by her decision. But, as they come to terms with it, they realise that their ideas about it were completely wrong. Her Mother Says regarding her daughter's reversion to Islam, "And Now We have a Very forthright, intelligent, independent young lady as a daughter. And i am so proud of her!"


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