Introducing myself


New Member

a friend suggested this site to me and I've been enjoying it very much. I've been interested in Islam for around 3 years, and i has had a wonderful effect on my life, although I have not converted (yet?).

I've written a few articles which may be of interest to those interested in policics and current affairs -

I also have an article on Hamas in New Civilisation magazine -, which is an excellent magazine which I reccomend for anyone interested in Islam and how it relates to British society.



New Member
thank you. i hope we can know to each other. please give me support because i don't know a lot about this web/group(turn to islam)


Staff member
:salam2: Bro,

Welcome to the website!:)

May Allah(Swt) guide all of us to the right path.

:wasalam: :biggrin:


Staff member
hi there and welcome to the website, i hope you become Muslim soon inshaAllah. As we are not aware of when our lives on this earth will end..

so it is important that if you are firm in your belief that their is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is his last and final messenger, you should take the Shahada.

May Allah make things easy for you - Amin



Junior Member
Hello Tommy

It is no accident for you to be drawn towards Islam. Do yourself a favor and get a Qur'an and begin to read it. You will be totally amazed at what you read!! It is so simple to read in English, and you will find that it speaks to you!

I have been curious like you, and when I first found out that the Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad, just as he did to Daniel in the lions den and to Mary to tell her she was to have a son, I had to believe! Why did the churches stop short of telling me this?

God sent the Angel to tell Muhammad what he's been trying to tell us since the believe in him. Allah is the Arabic word for God.

For me, brought up in a christian background, to believe in Islam is a miracle in itself for me to understand this. Allah called me to this understanding and I am no better than the least of his creation....he could have made me as an ant or fly. Allah can do anything he wishes to do.

You are here and thank God 'Alhamdulillah' you are searching. All you have to do is say that there is one God and Muhammad is his messenger, and believe it.....if you believe this already, then Alhamdulilllah!!!!! No one can make you say or do anything. You are free to make your choice anytime. None of us know when death can strike us.
Hello Tommy
Thank you for joing the website and i am happy to know that you are curious about Islam. May Allah guide you, God willing amin


New Member
Welcome to the site tommy

Our beloved prophet said, every child who come to this world is born as a muslim it is parets who teach them to follow their religion. In this sense even if you come to the fold of Islam you are not converting but reverting. The moment you proclaim the shahada, Allah swt will wash all your previou sin, and you will be like a new born, feel the beauty. Hope next time i visit this site i will meet tommy with a new name. " inamal moninunal ikhwa". you will have brother and sisters all over the world.

your would be brother in islam