

New Member
Just a quick message to say hello

Ive always been interested in Islamic faith and found a link to this website on another. I am curious to learn what I can about a religion which is obviouly misportryed in the media. One of my good friends is Islamic and without her I might have become a racist bigot myself. I am glad this is not the case.

I really just want to learn all I can. Knowlegde is the key to freedom.


New Member

Hi there.
actually i would like to greet you with the islamic greetings "Assalaam alaikum warahmatallahi wabarkataho" which means "May Peace, mercy and blessings of Almighty God be upon you."

I am sure you will find a lot to learn from this website. Also if you really want to learn a bit about islam, I would recommend you read The Quran , which we muslims believe is the uncorrupted word of God which by God's grace has remained intact over centuries. I would also recommend you read prophet Muhammed(pbuh)'s biography to get an idea about his life and his message.

Here is a video i would recommend you to watch. It was broadcast on BBC some years back.

also check out this site for biography of prophet(pbuh) by a non muslim as well as a muslim.

also online quran with translations of 3 different translators.

Hope you find something interesting.

If you have any questions(whatever you may have) or need any specific information let me know(or any of us, here everyone will be ready to help you out, its a really good forum). It will be a pleasure.

All the best.


Junior Member
Welcome to TTI .



salam alaykum(peace be upon you)
Welcome to TTI...enjoy your stay here and get your questioned answered.