Iraqi Resistance offers Peace to President Obama


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Iraqi Resistance offers Peace to President Obama


Some days ago, the Islamic Army in Iraq published a very important letter in both Arabic and English, signed by their Amir (1).
Starting with the famous word “terror” used by the Bush administration on a daily basis he wrote:

”A group of Americans created a myth named “terror” and have changed and applied its meaning whenever they so desire. They planned their corrupt war on Iraq based on lies and fallacies in order to assert control over the sources of energy and maintain the security of Israel according to the Greater Middle East plan. This has put America in a serious and difficult situation (…)”

He continued to explain the suffering of the Iraqi people and the destruction of the nation from the north to the south, than adding the outcome for the USA: The loss of their strength, economic problems, more and more conflicts they can’t continue to control…

The solution, according to the Islamic Army in Iraq, is very easy:

”Those who defended their religion, country and the rights of their people are the ones who own the right to decide the fate of their country, not those who shared in the destruction of the country and killing of its people.”

The Jihad Army, which already appeared in 2004 with English Messages to the “Free people of the World”(2), wrote at the same time:

”We believe that the funds wasted in this war would have been more useful if it were spent on research to develop alternative energy, which no doubt would have reduced energy conflicts, cures for cancer, agricultural solutions to prevent worldwide poverty, advancements to develop Africa, where people still die of starvation and intentional neglect. (…)
You must search further for the honest Iraqis and from the ranks of our people and not those of your collaborators to achieve a just solution. You can also recognize the right for the Iraqi people to resist and publicly ask for our advice and representation. The Iraqi people intend to be masters of their own house as they always have, and by following the plan you have declared, you have not yet fully understood Iraq well.”

This is the position of the Iraqi Resistance, now fighting under the banner of the “Political Council of Iraqi Resistance” and the “Jihad and Change Front”. When Obama was elected, they wrote:

”Whoever is good to us we are good to him more than he is good to us, and whoever attacks us he will find from us no mercy, so what do you think we will do to an invader who tampered with our religion and our country, its destiny, security and unity?“

Now it is up to Obama to respond. The solution is in his hands, as the Amir of the Islamic Army in Iraq continued to write:
”The apology to the Iraqi people, recognition of their right of resistance and handing over the country to its people is the least of your duties towards Iraq. The international community will waste much time and cause a lot of bloodshed by relying on the warlords and traders of corruption before it finds itself at a fait accompli. Dealing with the resistance as a liberation force is the most efficient way to build a fair political system away from the culture of sectarianism and elimination.”

Whoever supports freedom, justice and security, whoever wants to safe the life’s of American Soldiers, whoever is interested in the rights of the oppressed ones should support the brave Iraqi Resistance and never stop to spread their Message.
Because, if the current imperialist world system continues to destroy one country after another, leading to the death of millions of innocent citizens, spreading hate and terrorism everywhere – then there will be no real future for humanity; rather, global slavery, the complete destruction of the planet and endless horror will overcome this world.

