Is it halal to sell incense?

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Staff member

I think this thread is starting to get derailed. Nobody was disputing any good usages of incense, or the fact that it could be used for such. In our own areas perhaps the common use is not for shirk, so we speak in light of that -- but in other places it may not be so, and be a true and legitimate concern. The brother was looking for this in light of fiqh and how it should be approached, and May Allaah bless him for his concern in these regards.

Since I do believe the question has been sufficiently answered in akh BrotherInIslam7's post, there's no point in senselessly continuing the discussion. I ask that all members be aware of what they post and certain appropriateness of those words in regards to speaking them to others.

BarakAllaahu feekum

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