Is it necessary for the wife to work????

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member
Salaams! I am well, hope you are too! :hearts:

I would love to be a mother, and stay at home looking after my children. In this day and age thats a rare and precious thing! sadly I am having no joy with conceiving a child.....this is relevant as why stay at home when there is no baby, and no hope of one coming?

If I had a child I would pray to Allah that he makes things in life easier so I could stay at home. However, I currently earn more than my husband who has to also send money back home. I HAVE to work. Even if I have a child, that nasty council tax bill will not pay itself!

:salam2: sis, I'm sorry if I made you feel sad ... :girl3: it wasn't my intention, forgive me if I did so :shymuslima1:

Going back to the topic, I agree with aisha1114, the best "wealth" for a woman is her husband and children ;) and the best "work" is to look after them...then obviously everyone could choose a different way :)


Sister in Islam
Salaams Sister Ukt1

You didn't make me sad, you are too nice to do that!

I decided to tell my story so people can see why i have to work and why i will most likely work even when (Insha'allah) I have a family.

One day i might be a housewife, you never know what life will bring! And to the ladies out there who refuse to work, one day you might have to provide for your family. I say 'never say never'


Junior Member
:SMILY309: :SMILY286: :SMILY335: :SMILY176:

Anyway... I was raised by my mother. Lots of respect for mothers (its so difficult out there)... I dont think anyone would look down on any women, particulalry women who are striving to please Allah (swt) according to islamic law.. (Whether working, or taking care of the husband & children).


Me too I was raised by my mom, but things are not the same as they were in back home as we are living in the west now. I have alot of respect for stay home moms. Its the hardest job fr taking care of family 24/7, but that doesnt mean every one should be stay home mom. Its choice u have to make it as a muslim woman. I have been working even when I was in high school, and still working as I'm a full time student. And I cant see myself without working, why would I go 8-10 yrs to school and then become stay home mom fr 24/7. There is nothing wrong with that, but it depends on what u desire as long as its not against islam and islam doesnt say all mothers should stay home. I think its personal choice and whatever is best fr yr family if its working or being stay home.


Saifu deen


I agree with you sister 100%. At the same time, I believe that children need lots of attention. Children between the age of 1 to 12 need emotional stability, and development. According to my studies parents must shape the child's behaviour, emotions, education, intelliegnce, and health wise. And then from the age of 14 to 20 is the cruciel part of the son/daughter's life which determines whether he/she is emotional intelliegent and stable because this will determine the success of the child in the future...

Its like a mother who calls her daughter 'a doctor' from a young age, that child will simply believe in herself, full of confidence, and when she grows up she is most likely to become a doctor. In my basic opinion, if every mother aim to make her child for example an islamic leader/doctors/engineers from the young age, this Ummah will reach somewhere inshallah... Arab people say, ''Al omo madrasaton'', ''Mother is school'', surly the first and most important school in all our lives was our mothers..

Children have feelings, and extremley sensitive. A Kuwaiti psychologist once said, ''a child needs at least 12 hugs a day, for emotional stability, 2 hours dedicated for them, where they can talk & talk & talk, and the parents listens to them, that will develop a confident child with strong will''.

Mothers/father' s attention to their children is so important. In contrary, a simple loud argument between them could ruin years of what they've achieved in their child's development an emotional stablility. As stated by sister Huda, mother at home have huge difficulties. Every mother is a wife, psychologist, doctor, nurse, teacher ect.., whether she is at home or at work..

As shiekh Ahmed Kaibissi said '' Mothers deserve so much respect because they are, daughters, mother/wives, and grandmothers. They live three generations, and their importance is wanted even when they are granmothers''.. May Allah (swt) reward all mothers...
