Is it permissible to watch the Olympics????


Junior Member
selaamu 'aleykum

The olympics obviously have polytheistic routes dating back to the Greeks? Therefore is it permissible in Islam to watch the Olympics ?????

If anyone could find any info that'd be great.

wa selaam

abdul hai

One Flag, One cause
I beleive that it is permissible in Islam to watch the Olympics, the Prophet was involved in many activities like wresting the Pagans, as long as you don't watch woman in short clothes. Allah knows best......


Junior Member

The question i'm asking is not if permissible to watch sports but is it permissible to watch the Olympics?

The Origin of the Olympic Games

According to tradition the first Olympics took place in 776 BC. While one legends claims the games were established by Heracles (Hercules)( a false -greek deity), who brought a sacred olive tree to Olympia(the home of these crackhead false deities), an alternative myth has the hero Pelops (from which the name of the Peloponnese region of Greece originates) establish the festival after defeating King Oenomaus in a chariot race.

Whatever the precise origin of the games, they became a central aspect of Greek culture very early on and in many ways were the most important factor uniting the Greeks, except for their language and mythology.

Over time the site of Olympia, in southern Greece, became famous for its temples and monuments. The gold and ivory Statue of Zeus(another false deity) that sat upon his throne in the high temple was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

As you can see there are lot of pagan routes in the Olmpics ???
So is it still permissible to watch the Olympics?????


Junior Member
another source:

What is the origin of the Olympics?
The Olympic Games, originally created to honor Zeus(a false deity, was the most important national festival of the ancient Greeks, and a focus of political rivalries between the nation-states. However, all competitions involved individual competitors rather than teams. Winning an Olympic contest was regarded more highly than winning a battle and was proof of an individual arete or personal excellence. The winners were presented with garlands, crowned with olive wreaths, and viewed as national heroes.

Although records of the Olympics date back to 776 BC when the Olympics were reorganized and the official "First Olympiad" was held, Homer's Iliad suggests that they existed as early as the 12th century BC. The games were held every four years in honor of Zeus(a false deity), in accordance with the four year time periods which the Greeks called olympiads. Emperor Theodosius I of Rome discontinued them in the 4th century AD, and they did not occur again until they were reinstated in Athens in 1896.

Originally, the Olympics was confined to running, but by the 15th Olympiad, additional sports were added the pentathlon (five different events), boxing, wrestling, chariot racing, as well as a variety of foot races of varying lengths, including a long-distance race of about 2.5 miles.

Athletes usually competed nude, proudly displaying their perfect bodies. Women, foreigners, slaves, and dishonored persons were forbidden to compete; women, once they were married, were not even allowed to watch any Olympic events, except for chariot races. However, every four years, women held their own games, called the Heraea after Hera, held at Argos, and beginning as early as the 6th century B.C. and lasting at least six centuries until Roman rule.

How was the Olympics a sacred festival?
Unlike our modern Olympic games, the ancient Greek Olympic games was a religious rather than secular festival, celebrating the gods( their false deities) in general and Zeus (a false deity) in particular. The contests themselves alternated with altar rituals and sacrifices, as well as processions and banquets. Individual competitors trained rigorously not only for personal glory, but also to impress and please a god through demonstrating strength and agility.

Although one legend suggests that Heracles(a false deity) won a race at Olympia and decreed that races should be instituted every four years, the most common legends suggest that Zeus originated the games after he defeated Cronus(a false deity) in battle. Many events occurred at the Olympic stadium near the temple of Zeus (a false deity) in Olympia southwest of Athens. Inside the temple was the 42 foot high gold and ivory statue of Zeus (a false deity) sculpted by Pheidias, considered to be one of seven wonders of the ancient world.

Eventually the games were also held at other sacred spots in the Greek city-states, such as Delphi and Corinth. These games honored the ruling god of the particular locality, most notably Apollo and Poseidon in addition to Zeus( all false deities ). Apollo( another false deity) from the start had an indirect role in the festivities, since the winners were always lauded with garlands of laurel, the tree most sacred to Apollo(a false deity) ever since his beloved Daphne (a false deity)was transformed into a laurel tree.

as you can see again there are alot of pagan influences to the olympics .


Subhaanallaah amma yushrikuun( Glory is to Allaah(subhaanahu wa ta'ala) The originator of all existence admist what they ascribe to Him.

The key to anything in life is about balance. Balance your time with your family, friends, reading the Quran, personal leisure activities, excercise, sleep, job, spending time with your spouse, praying, etc.

Don't let the Olympics distract you from the disasters of the world. The olympics is played through out the summer and has become very political & controversial.

The Olympics has pagan orgins but many other things on TV do as well. I've limited alot of TV time this year. It's boring. Waste of time. Once in awhile I'll flip and catch the news or try to watch sports.


Junior Member
I think you can . Quran doesnt state you cant watch the olympics . Sometimes in life we have to use educated common sense .

user expired!

Junior Member

The beleive the main issue is Awrah. The men and women will be uncovered and sometimes practically wearing nothing, so my advise is it is better to miss it.

Also Ramadan is less then a month away have a prepared like an Olympion?


New Member
The key to anything in life is about balance. Balance your time with your family, friends, reading the Quran, personal leisure activities, excercise, sleep, job, spending time with your spouse, praying, etc.

The men and women will be uncovered and sometimes practically wearing nothing, so my advise is it is better to miss it.

Salam to all:
I am agree with "TheHumbleWun" and also "user expired!".
I will go for anything that is not against my soul. (According to the Islamic believes)
In this case:
When I think, by watching a football match, I gain more energy, I analyze that there's nothing wrong with Islamic believes in here. So I go for that in order to refuel my soul. And after that I can do my works better.
I can't watch womens matches . Because they are not "Mahram" to me. So it's against my believes, so I just drop it.
Thanks all,
Fi amanellah


Sami'gna wa ato'gna

Now, do not get off track...the brother ONLY ask about the Olympics and I think he has answered his own goes back to the history of the Olympics....sides, the atheles there do not cover their're actually watching semi-naked kuffars, fassiquns aand munaafiqquns..running, jumping..blahblahblah...

Is it worth your time? I'd rather spend my time on something more constructive than that...our time is very precious.

Afterall Allaah says:

1 وَالْعَصْرِ

2 إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ

3 إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ

1 By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),

2 Verily Man is in loss,

3 Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Allaah knows best!


Staff member
asssalamu alaykum,

In relation to the last post, if someone is a disbeliever, it does not mean we can not watch them. This is not issue. If they were semi-naked Muslims it be same thing, wrong. Writing out a list Munafiqun, Fasiqun etc is over-kill.

It also depends on the events.

We should be careful not to make Halal things haram, or vice-versa.

The origins of certain events, is not of consequence if the actual event has not retained the same "pagan" ideas/values. I do not think there is any olympian who goes there in order to pay tribute to Greek Gods. Oh, with regards to the description of the pagan customs of the olympics, I am quite sure they would be arrested if they tried to take part in the events naked! Dont worry, there are laws against that sort of stuff.

Its certainly a waste of time though, we should be memorising Quran and learning our Aqeedah. There are a lot of things to get on with.



Junior Member
asssalamu alaykum,

In relation to the last post, if someone is a disbeliever, it does not mean we can not watch them. This is not issue. If they were semi-naked Muslims it be same thing, wrong. Writing out a list Munafiqun, Fasiqun etc is over-kill.

It also depends on the events.

We should be careful not to make Halal things haram, or vice-versa.

The origins of certain events, is not of consequence if the actual event has not retained the same "pagan" ideas/values. I do not think there is any olympian who goes there in order to pay tribute to Greek Gods. Oh, with regards to the description of the pagan customs of the olympics, I am quite sure they would be arrested if they tried to take part in the events naked! Dont worry, there are laws against that sort of stuff.

Its certainly a waste of time though, we should be memorising Quran and learning our Aqeedah. There are a lot of things to get on with.



Thanks to everyone.
You've been a big help.