Is it wrong to weigh good deeds??


New Member

I may not sound that nice.. but im being honest

I see religious people say things like the following very very often
pray this or do this and you will get 70 times more sawab (good deeds)...

I feel that its wrong because it think it guides people the wrong way...


shouldnt we be praying to please Allah than to help ourselves??

would you like me better if I helped you to make u happy or if I helped you to myself benefit from it after??


Assalaam walaikum,

Think of it this way:

The more I pray and think of Allah and attempt to do good deeds the more I help fulfill my purpose in life. The results of my works and worship help all of mankind. Thus not only am I gaining benefits but I benefit others. I refrain from sin and do good.

Does that make sense.


Junior Member
Brother the mistake your making here is ,there is nothing as i say ,i think,or according to my thinking etc.In Islam its only what Allah says and What his Prophet Muhammad (peace Be Upon Him)says.The act loved by the devil is Bidah,as it doesn't let a person know if the act he is committing is correct or wrong.Bidah is the gateway to hell.Where do these bidahs come from?A man thinking of the religion by himself and not checking up with the Quran or Hadith.
So brother plz don't go on this religion by on your own means and imaginations.Hold unto the rope of Allah i.e Quran and Hadith and InshAllah you will never go on the wrong track.

One point i would clear about the deeds would be on the day of judgement no one will enter paradise on the criteria of deeds.Whoever will enter will be due to Allah's will.But does that mean one should stop earning deeds?no absolutely not ,in order to have higher rank in Paradise one person should give his efforts in earning good deeds.As for counting a person simply cannot count the deeds its not under his control ,what if Allah gave you more blessing than you had imagined?last nor the least opinions have no seat in the religion of Islam.


Junior Member

Dear brother,


Let me stress upon your example brother. You say "if" you take an extremely selfish person. Now, selfishness and Islam doesn't go together, brother. One cannot be a muslim by staying selfish, then how can he earn good the love and mercy of Allah?

Let me tell you some phrases in Hadith and Qur'an because this is one of the core value of Islam.

" None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself. Hadith in al-Bukhari "

Surah Maidah 5:32:
"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land."

If you read the above surah or hadith, it clearly shows how a muslim should be. One can never be a muslim by being selfish.

So, don't pick and choose what the religious people say. Get the whole message. If Allah rewards you for your deeds, and you do it, because it motivates you. If you really knew what heaven is, you will really yearn for it. It is not selfishness.

And brother, a simple reasoning, when a muslim brother sees another muslim brother, we greet each other by saying "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings)" We wish for mercy and blessing of Allah for our brother and not for ourselves. We say it a lot of times a day and other brothers wish the same for us. That is what Islam teaches us. We knowingly or unknowingly wish good for our brothers and sisters. One definitely cannot be a muslim by being selfish.

One more thing brother, though I cannot advise you (I am neither a scholar nor old enough), a suggestion from my own experience. I saw your previous questions as well. You have to contemplate about these thing by being calm. I see some sort of anger in your questions. One of the greatest virtue is patience. Allah loves people with patience.

To quote from Hadith:

"A man said to the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Counsel me. He (the Prophet) said: Do not become angry. The man repeated [his request] several times, and he (the Prophet) said: Do not become angry." Hadith in al-Bukhari

I know you might have lot of problems and its making your life miserable. But becoming angry and impatient would actually exacerbate the problem. If you become calm, and contemplate about these things, atleast you would see the problem clearly and start getting answers one by one. It will take time but believe me the journey would be really eye-opening.

I am sorry if I judged you wrong. Just my suggestion out of care and affection.

Jazakallahu Khair!


Junior Member
Win-win with good deeds when Heaven is the need

Is it wrong: No Categories
is it wrong to weigh good deeds? No
is it wrong to be selfish and do more good deeds? No
(On second thought being good is not selfish )
is it wrong to be selfish and be extremely good with a desire to get best of heaven, ? No
(On second thought being good is not selfish )
A person is judged by the weight of his deeds. Good deeds weigh more, you flag person good. Almighty too in Quran says that​

Is it wrong? Yes categories
Is it wrong to do bad deed? yes
Is it wrong to boast of your own deeds? Yes
Is it wrong to show a bad deed as good ? Yes
Is it wrong to do bad deed, and then say some zikr, because some one said your sin will be absolved ? Yes
Is it wrong to be selfish and prevent other from doing good deeds? WAIT : Thats a wrong deed..... This cannot be flagged as selfish.

Hope this along with the other answers here, done with an intention to
> gain some more good deed, in their personal deed accounts,
> convince you about this win-win principle of being good
.... Clears it for you

Do let us know!


New Member
Sorry I could not log in earlier to reply...

Thank you for the replies... they help... I got way more answers than the questions I had :)

The main reason I asked this question was that I started to dislike some people... I observed their actions, their thinking and was trying to figure out the root cause for them to be that way

I have seen people who pray five times a day, follow the 5 pillars of Islam...
when they see someone asking for help, they dont... when they see a beggar, they ignore him,
they drive a car which's $value can feed 200,000 people in a country where people die of hunger, they live in a house worth much more than that car... again in the same country children die due to lack of medical just seems hypocritical to me...Its not that they are not aware, they have eyes..they also think that they are better as they are more powerful... they can see... they just follow the parts of Islam that promises rewards on the day of judgement...

On the other side I know people who are very very the opposite selfish, people who will not sleep if someone they know is in hunger or not well...People who would sacrifice their meal for yours...but many of them are not religious

It makes sense that people will enter Jannat from Allah's will, and not just the weighing of good deeds.... its just that ive been told over and over again that on the day of judgement, your good and bad deeds will be weighed and if the good are more you go to heaven... I was never told that your character will count

SOURCE of observation: I know some extremely wealthy muslim families in a very poor country.... and some normal/poor people in very rich countries

Yes, that makes sense... I myself do not have an issue but I see other people who pray a lot but do not seem like they want to please Allah that much... they dont have a good character

My bad for the UPPERCASE LETTERS, it was not anger... I was trying to emphasize those few lines and I could not figure out how to make it stand out
It make's sense that the selfish people I see who seem religious are not true muslims.
About your saying on the affect of muslims saying :salam2: to each other... I think in the past Arabic was well understood as when you said that, you were saying it yourself and were not repeating a phrase that you memorized... Now i see some people saying it as it is their only substitute for saying "Hi"... as it will seem bad if they dont say it..

I understand your point...what I meant to ask, I can ask in the following context:
(very often) I have heard of quote of how much good deeds you get for praying, about praying in the last 10 days of ramadan, about the magnitude of good deeds for praying 5 times a day and all that... It is much more rare to hear about the good deeds received for helping others in any of the ways possible... I have not but not very often...
Assuming that other muslims also hear what I hear from other people... most people emphasise their energy way way more towards the worship deeds that they have been given the return quotes for and not enough on actions that would help others that they do not have quotes for...

Is it just a motivation?? or also a way to see how people are?? If you observe people, you'll see that religious people who do not weigh good deeds are nicer to other people that they do not know...they do more charity work, they usually care about themselves less and more about others


I have a question relating to this... on the day of judgement... what will happen to Martin Luther King?? he saved lives, got a lot of people their rights... the kind of person who could rest if he saw people suffering

He was not muslim...In term's of his judgement...would it be better than of a person (physically a worshipping muslim) who caused chaos but prayed 5 times a day?? that is what I mean to ask... weighing good deeds by numbers, the second person would be ahead


New Member
The non-Muslims will get their reward for their deeds in this life and will have no share in the Hereafter.
Islam is not like Christianity, it's not about numbers and quotas to fulfill. It's practical and you have to keep things in perspective.

That does not make sense to me... he devoted his life to help others, not leaving much room for rewards in this world...
There are other people who died for very very good causes that save lives...
Now that they are dead... how can they get their rewards in this life??

There are many people who were no where near as good in character as people like Martin Luther King...but were fortunate enough to be born in a muslim family... do they really stand a better chance to heaven??

Yes, Christianity is not about numbers and quotas either... Im sure some christian's use number weigh good deeds the same way some muslims do

How many christian charity organizations have you heard of?? many muslim charity organizations have you heard of??


Junior Member
Believers / non-believers rewards...

Okay now I get your context.

First and foremost, every human is sent to earth with an obligation/ duty to accept and submit to Almighty Allah. We are judged for our actions. We, are to swear with 6 beliefs and our faith will be judged based on the strength five pillars. The journey here will be tested, some with riches, others without. So whatever happens here, its infact between Almighty the creator and we his creation.

Almighty is all the seeing, all knowing, all aware... He knows when one is genuine and when one is not.

Almighty is Rahman (beneficient to non-believer in here) and Raheem (merciful to believer in here and hereafter). That settles it. Non-believers are said will be rewarded in the here. They did good, but they failed to submit to will of Almighty.

I cannot answer for Martin Luther sorry... because its a matter between him and Almighty Allah. And its not at all easy to flag another person as going to hell, unless Allah,a prophet or Auliya himself has said so. Yes you will find lot of non-believers who are wonderful, but sad they don't accept Imaan, Its not in our control. Its truly personal. We can only pray, we should continue to be in good terms with them and leave the rest to Allah.

Primary importance is strengthening our own Imaan. And helping another fellow believer, strengthen his. In this light the below applies to both Believers and non-believers...

Is it wrong: No Categories
is it wrong to weigh good deeds? No
is it wrong to be selfish and do more good deeds? No
(On second thought being good is not selfish )
is it wrong to be selfish and be extremely good with a desire to get best of heaven, ? No
(On second thought being good is not selfish )
A person is judged by the weight of his deeds. Good deeds weigh more, you flag person good. Almighty too in Quran says that​

Is it wrong? Yes categories
Is it wrong to do bad deed? yes
Is it wrong to boast of your own deeds? Yes
Is it wrong to show a bad deed as good ? Yes
Is it wrong to do bad deed, and then say some zikr, because some one said your sin will be absolved ? Yes
Is it wrong to be selfish and prevent other from doing good deeds? WAIT : Thats a wrong deed..... This cannot be flagged as selfish.

Hope this along with the other answers here, done with an intention to
> gain some more good deed, in their personal deed accounts,
> convince you about this win-win principle of being good
.... Clears it for you

Do let us know!