IS L.A. safe?


im going to LA for the holidays in december. is America as a whole a safe place to visit? for the past yrs or so, to which ever country ive gone, be it the europen countries or aussie, ive always been detained at the airport for like an hour while they "check" my passport. my parents n siblings never had this prob. all this began when the terrorists became prominent.

if it is that bad even in other countries, wouldnt i be detained even worse in america?


Art is my Expression

America dont really do all that to you. They are actually very fair. America isnt really nearly as racist as Europian countries.

L.A is a very busy and a lot of gangs are here. The world's most dangerous gang the MS13 are here. They started here. Also the bloods and the crips gang.

L.A is a nice place if you stay out of trouble and dont mess with anyone. Just dont go out at night.

hope I helped



Art is my Expression
yeah I mean its like any big city. People usually get robbed walking alone late at night. In L.A you have to be extra careful because of all the gang violence. In day time its okay cause there are people around. It also depends on what part of L.A you live in because majority of L.A are divided in gang teratories.

Just dont mess with people and people wont mess with you.


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq

The question any place safe? Anywho I have never been stopped in an american airport alhamdullilah.. Insha Allah u wont be either :)



Junior Member
It really depends no where you go and how you behave. I would be a little more cautious in LA

Just dont mess with people and people wont mess with you." _THAT IS SOO TRUE ,


Junior Member

Personally, I would never go to LA myself (and I am American) unless I was staying out of the actual CITY. LA is one of the top cities for Murder in the US.


Most recent stats I could find are for 2003
CHICAGO (AP) — Despite a sharp drop in homicides, Chicago has regained a title it didn't want: America's murder capital.

The city finished 2003 with 599 homicides, police said Thursday. That was down from 648 a year earlier and the first time since 1967 that the total dipped below 600.

Still, the nation's third-largest city outpaced all others for the second time in three years. New York, with about three times the population, ended the year with 596 homicides. Los Angeles, which had the most murders in 2002 at 658, wound up 2003 with an estimated total just under 500.


Junior Member
It depends where you go. If you stay in nice neighborhoods you should be fine. If you go to the ghettos, of course you won't be as safe. Even if you're in a really nice place, though, I wouldn't go out alone late at night, but that goes for pretty much everywhere in the world.

One of my best friends just moved there and he has no problems. Though, he does live in one of the richer areas of downtown. But it's safe for him.


Junior Member
i would say avoid baseball caps . red and blue tee-shirts. brother faisal could tell you more . one thing you have to realize these gangs don't target regular people for the most part.


Junior Member
assalamoalikum. why don't you go to Syria, Jordon,Turkey or Morroco and I guarntee you, you will not be detained. may I ask you why you choose LA for holidays. with my personal experiance I assure you you will see tons of brotherhood from people in those countries, if it is too late for you to change your plan, please try next time. assalamoalikum


assalamoalikum. why don't you go to Syria, Jordon,Turkey or Morroco and I guarntee you, you will not be detained. may I ask you why you choose LA for holidays. with my personal experiance I assure you you will see tons of brotherhood from people in those countries, if it is too late for you to change your plan, please try next time. assalamoalikum

i have been to syria turkey jordan morocco egypt n prolly most of the middle east.a friend of mine lives in LA n wants to show me around.

wow, the brothers n sisters depict LA as such a dangerous place! but isnt LA where all the tourist attractions are? then how dangerous can tt be.



I have been detained everywhere I go. Now I drive!!! America is racist and if someone says it is not they are living in Lalaland.
Anyplace is safe if you do not have fear in your heart. Many visitors take on the prejudices of some of the white Americans. If you act scared of a person because of the color of their skin and finianical circumstances you will be teased by those you fear in a shabby manner. Remember as a Muslim we can not take on prejudices.Please do not allow yourself to be sucked into the racism.


Junior Member
fear allah

Salam aliakum.
I live in the states, I have all my life, alhumduillah. I live in Indiana. its a fairly big city. not Indianapolis, but close.
The only thing you should fear is Fear Allah. right?
Sister Jamie


Art is my Expression
i have been to syria turkey jordan morocco egypt n prolly most of the middle east.a friend of mine lives in LA n wants to show me around.

wow, the brothers n sisters depict LA as such a dangerous place! but isnt LA where all the tourist attractions are? then how dangerous can tt be.


lol I apologize if I scared you with my first post. It seems like after my post everyone has been bashing L.A as the most dangerous place in the world.

Here is the bottom line:

L.A all in all is a nice place. There are lots of great place here to visit. L.A is fun and attractive. You will have fun in L.A.

Just keep in mind of the following:

America all in all isnt really a racist place if you never been here before. Sure if your a Muslim you may get a few terrorist jokes thrown at you, who doesnt? The main thing you have to remember is that is Dont mess with people, and people wont mess with you. Its as plain and simple as that. California is one of the majr states in America. If you are worried about racism, you wont be harrassed by it here. If you live in any of the southern states like TN (where I'm from) you may receive some jokes but thats all it is really. I mean people are people. If they see that you wont fight back if they harras you then they will do it more for their enjoyment, but if you say hey enough is enough they will back off. On the majority people are pretty chill here. They will get along great with you. In the southern states people are not as educated and they are not as diverse. In California the people that msotly recieves any forms of biasness would probably be Latinos beacuse of the whole illegal immigration thing. L.A is just like N.Y. I've been to N.Y and people wont give you much trouble there as much you might think. Since its to diverse, and there are a lof muslims there they will get along with you.

One thing I realised about people is, the more diverse a place is, the more people pay attention. I mean I have many black, white, asian friends of all religion and genders and cultures. They all know I'm muslim and my family is muslim, and they are perfectly fine with it.

Remember you more than likely may get a few jokes about terrorism, but keep in mind its only jokes. People joke around to ease the tention in a room or to show that if a person is friendly or not. If a person was serious all the time, they would be very monotone. If however a person keeps going on and on and on about it, their agenda is much diffrent and you need to tell them to back off and just dont associate with them anymore.

L.A is a cool place to go. Just use common sense and you God given instincts. Dont go out at night and dont go to any place that you may feel you are not safe in. If you must travel to a place that you dont feel right in, just make your visit quick and short.

If you have your friend accompany you, then I wouldnt be worried since that persona already knows the place.

Oh and the whole gang thing that I started to talk about, its true that L.A is infected with A LOT of gangs but keep in mind that if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. They are smart enough to know to not start any BS with innocent people in the day time.

Hope I helped :D



Junior Member
I'd like to add that California has a big Muslim population, and a big everything population, including Indian/Pakistani, so seeing someone who isn't white or Christian isn't exactly a surprise. and, in my experience, the east and west coasts are so much more liberal and non-racist than the south (sorry to offend but I mean...if you live in the south you know what I'm talking about lol). You might have a problem at the airport (depending on your ethnicity and where you're flying in front), but the actual city itself? No, you should be fine, and if you have a friend to guide you I'm sure you'll stay out of trouble and have lots fun.

as for gangs, like Faisal said, they're not concerned with non-gang members.



In my vocabulary liberal is a horrible word. Liberals are the ones who support the insideous policies of America but do not have the courage to say they do. Liberals are the supporters of strange movements such as gay rights..and liberals are the first to deny the existence of God. They do not have tolerance. Let us be careful when we use such a word. There is a saying in America...I would rather see you in your sheet than have you serve me dinner on the tablecloth that you would use as a sheet later on.
Most memembers of gangs have been told by liberals that they are scum etc. etc. etc.
It amazes me that Muslims will not admit that racism is alive and thriving in America on the same day that we have a post of profiling Muslims in LA. I know I am not crazy. Can someone provide me with a rational answer? How do you want to be a toursit in the country that made up lies to blame Muslims and start terror in the middle east? How dare you question the motives of minorities in this country and side with the oppresors as stating a city is unsafe. In essence you are saying : If the middle class mostly white communities feel unsafe in an is unsafe for a Muslim. It is unsafe for a Muslim because many Muslims in America wish to be white and middle class.
Please do not see America through the eyes of Hollywood. That is a lie.


Junior Member

I used liberal in the sense of being tolerant of other lifestyles. la is a very multi-cultural area, which is why you'd have much less problems there than, say, some tiny little town in the deep south. I never said you should support the liberal ideology so I don't really know where you're getting that.

No one has denied that there are racists in the US - there's racists everywhere. We're/I'm just saying you shouldn't act like every single American is racist, or prejudiced against Muslims and would act on it. It's not like every time you step out of your home you're going to get insults hurled at you and people burning crossing on your front lawn. If you think it's really that bad, then I'm sorry you live where you do and I challenge you to find a more Muslim friendly community in the US, which is very possible to do. If you're Muslim, you're going to get your fair share of comments and insults throughout your life in the US, but it's fairly mild compared to other places in the world. I think you're over exagerating and being much too paranoid about the whole thing.

and, why be a tourist in the US? Because I'm sure there are places in the US that some people want to see. Just because the government sucks doesn't mean the whole country is full of evil people and all the cities are dirty and ugly. You have such a negative world view. How depressing it must be.


thanks brothers n sister for your sure my stay in LA will be a pleasant sure no1 will judge me by my looks as for example i dont have a beard(because i dont have hair on my face to grow! genetic defect?)


New Member
Staff member
thanks brothers n sister for your sure my stay in LA will be a pleasant sure no1 will judge me by my looks as for example i dont have a beard(because i dont have hair on my face to grow! genetic defect?)

Salamu alaykum,

not genetic defect akhi, Allah hasn't given you one :), but if you make duah to ALlah and be patient, ull c it grow :)

Assalamu alaykum