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  • Assalaamu alaikum,
    it has been along while since I seen u around:)
    I thought I wud drop by a salaam!!!
    hope all is wonderful:D
    Salaam grrrrl! haha I like you! I have been reading some of your posts lately and was on the same wave as you. So that's cool =D I have to take a break from TTI every once in awhile. Sometimes people's strictness and being judgemental gets to me too much. But it's refreshing to find people like you on here, who have the guts to say what's real and honest.

    Ramadhan Kareem & Mobarak!!!

    May Allah (swt) hasten your pardon..strengthen your iman..perfect your practice..lengthen your hours of worship..and count you amongst those He (swt) purifies in His Month of Fasting..Ameen!
    Assalamu Alaikum dear sis:D

    I seen u online now...I thot to drop by a salaam:D and a tight hug!
    hw are u dear sis? I hope u doing gud inshaAllah......
    I love u for Allah's sake N that is not somethin I will ever forsake!:D:D:D:D
    Allah hafiz now and always.....and ur avater...hhhmmm, jst awesome!!!!!
    Assalamu Alaikum and thanks for adding me as a friend:) man....I wanted to add you BUT somehow forgot!!! darn it.....iam soo forgetfull man! but thanks for adding me sister:) anywho, I hope u doing well and SMILLING:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:D
    u remember me now? tell me who am i? lol

    Masters in computer science. Wat r u studying ?

    Second job? hmmmmm ... not a good idea .. at least for a woman :)
    lol... it wasnt in the posts. It was in PMs. So, u will not be able to get anything unless you have saved the PMs from ancient age :D

    So, u have decided to make money in this semester. Perhaps thats the reason for you being on TTI? :)

    Me? I am working like always :) abt to finish my masters as well.
    That is a secret.. lol .. i have changed it due to some reasons :D
    Its goood that u dont remember that argument.

    Life is cooooool as well, ALHUMDULILLAH. Crusing and cruising.. Wat r u studygin?
    yes, perhaps i was using a different nick at that time. I have really seen u after an year or so. I remember we just argued over that i generalized every american or wat ever :)

    Hows life going on ?
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