IS L.A. safe?


Junior Member
:salam2:so when are you comming over and from where ? if i may ask i am excited to know you comming over ..unfortunately i live with my parrents if not you could have come over man. heck if my parents are not in town you can still come over . ps let me know how i can be of assitance to you .


Turn To Islam
thanks brothers n sister for your sure my stay in LA will be a pleasant sure no1 will judge me by my looks as for example i dont have a beard(because i dont have hair on my face to grow! genetic defect?)


I used to travel to the States quite a lot prior to 9/11, however after 9/11 I’ve heard of many cases about other Muslim brothers and sisters being detained at the airport for no apparent reason which kind of put me off the whole idea.

I have relatives in the States who have been asking me to visit for so many years now but I keep putting it off simply because I cannot be bothered to sit in immigration for hours on end and being interrogated by the immigration officers and possibly the FBI (Not Firm Believers in Islam by the way lol)

Some of the questions that were being asked by the officials to the people I knew were "Do you go to the mosque" and "What does your Imam preach on Fridays".

If someone like Yusuf Islam who has done so much for charity can get detained and deported for no apparent reason, then who's to say it wouldn’t happen to me. I can’t believe to this day he still never received an apology either.

I like America and have no problems with the people and the country as a whole, but like someone said before, it's the government that tends to let people down. I guess this is one of the reasons why I much prefer visiting Islamic countries, where I know I won't get any hassles from anyone.

Hopefully the stewardess on the plane won’t shout “Muslim meal” in your ear for all heads on your plane to turn in shock and horror (That’s a joke by the way lol)

Inshallah your trip will be made easy for you and hopefully you will be back soon telling us how well your holiday went. 




I love Allah

im going to LA for the holidays in december. is America as a whole a safe place to visit? for the past yrs or so, to which ever country ive gone, be it the europen countries or aussie, ive always been detained at the airport for like an hour while they "check" my passport. my parents n siblings never had this prob. all this began when the terrorists became prominent.

if it is that bad even in other countries, wouldnt i be detained even worse in america?

America has its very bad areas........especially in bigger cities. I live in philadelphia and theyhave one of americas highest crime rates. LA is prett bad, and I pray that you will be safe and please stay in safe areas. Inshallah allah kareem.


Junior Member

Hopefully the stewardess on the plane won’t shout “Muslim meal” in your ear for all heads on your plane to turn in shock and horror (That’s a joke by the way lol)


I have stopped eating on planes unless I bring it myself - the only time I actually requested a "Muslim Meal" it turned out to be a fish curry that was such a hideous shade of green and smelled so bad that, number 1, I couldn't bear the sign of it in front of me, and number 2, I was embarrassed that it stunk up the air of the seats around me and the people were looking at me funny!

So, if the stewardess does call out "Muslim Meal", the people are all cringing in shock and horror because maybe the airline has horrible, stinky Muslim Meals! LOL!

Lana :)


Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum,
i am always so cautious of "muslim meals". its paranoia i know, but i prefer to call the airline and ask for a veggie meal. i just keep wondering "what if this meat is not really halal" :)

Assalam Alaikum


Art is my Expression

HAHA I dont trust plane food period. They are usually arent good tasting and they arent very healthy (I'm a health nut)

Really just take your own food. If you dont really care about how healthy or unhealthy it is, then just eat chips or something haha.

Trust me Air Plane food arent all that hyped up to be. I think I saw my fish move one time LOL



Junior Member
I too have had similar bad experience with Muslim meals. They seem to serve some type of dehydrated protein and it tastes just foul. I usually opt to get the vegetarian or chicken if they have those.
I fly Lufthansa and ba it seems they carry ok food comparative to airlines standards.