Is religion (Islam) fundamental to human nature?


Hope you are all the the best health and emaan inshallah.

Please i really need some help!!! I am currently doing my essay in "Is religion fundamental to human nature?" but taking an islamic view point on it.

I have wrote about Fitra?? but i am really stuck now! i
Obviously belive that Islam is fundemental to Human Nature. But i am having a problem backing this up with Evdience for the essay.

I decided to do this essay title as i want to put Islam in a good light to my tutor who always has a comment to say about Islam! and for dawah purposes! but the essay is harder than what i expected to be!!!:girl3:




Junior Member
Walaikom salam..... Is the essay kind of touching on what would society be like if there was no religion and would people still have morals, etc.? If so, I think that you can find some primative tribes not touched by modern society or religion that have a certain code of ethics and morals and some may be similar to those of our own on certain subjects, i.e., incest, murder, etc.... However, then they may be practising bizarre rituals like cannabalism, etc.

Also, you can find many atheists who behave morally to their fellow human-being and understand the difference between right and wrong in this world, i.e., being atheist does not equal being a murderer, rapist or sexual deviant for example. However, most atheists are aware of the main teachings of religion, like the ten commandments, and follow much of the same code of behaviour out in society as we would. Their main offense, if you will, is not believing in the Almighty Creator, scorning religion and having an ego that prevents them from knowing the truth.

I hope this might help in some way... just my own ranting :)


dear sister
in our religion , islam is the religion of all mankind , as he born muslim by nature but his parents raise him to be (jewish or chrestian ).

scholars pionted out that the five necessities of live are :
preservation of self
preservation of religion
preservation of (brain)
preservation of money
preservation of (honer)

if this help ican send some hadeeths


striving 4 Firadous
also point out...if you person was to grow up isolated and twenty years later some ask this child is there a supreme being (god) the adult would probably say yes. But now ask this child if he believe god is 3 in 1. Chances are slim.