Is there any racist in your area or work etc?

Saifu deen

Assalam Alykom

I agree with najbc, being black and lived in Arab countries, I really learnt many things. There are three things that if you have, you won't get disrespected, 1)white skin (european,or American) or 2) a citizin (european or Amefican). 3) $$$$$$$$$. Its not important if you are a muslim or not...

I have many friends from Arab countries, such humble people, freindly, in the right path, and very cool... Everyone has a good side and a bad side, the more you concentrate on the bad side of that person, the more you will blacklist him/her or feel bad towards them. Lets look at the people from different point of view (the good side)....

This is truth, but to me I take it with calmly without being tensed or annoyed and this is because there are simply muslims who make mistakes, and we all make mistakes.. I can only say May Allah guide them to understand and comply with the teachings of our prophet (PBUH).

Wassalam Alykom...