Is this Guide Authentic?


Junior Member

i just downloaded it- seems right (only read a bit of it). sounds like how i did things just more detailed. wish i had this when i went to umrah 2 years ago would have made life so much easier. i was wondering do you have one for hajj.:salam2:


Junior Member
yep just finished reading it. this is like how i did umrah- i really wish i had this it would have made it easier for me. if there is aything missing please let me know- if allah wills that i go for umrah again i will use this.-easy and straight forward.:salam2:


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi brother mahussain,

I had a look over the pdf file. It seems fine for the most part and seems like a decent guide. However, it doesn't state the restrictions (things not to do) placed on the muhrim (one is state of Ihram). I found a link on Islamqa..

Also, I do not know about the preference of going in state of Ihram after a obligatory Salah. Maybe someone can provide a hadeeth reference for that.

Another thing to keep in mind is the 2 rakah prayer after completing tawaaf. One should not try to pray right behind Maqaam e Ibraheem as that gets in the way of people making Tawaaf (and you will get annoyed/disturbed when people pass infront of you while praying). It would be better to pray where the carpet mats are kept behind the Maqaam e Ibraheem (they are meant to be used for praying). Just try to make sure that Maqaam e Ibraheem is the middle of you and the Ka'aba. (That's what I have read in a book. And Allah knows best)

After Sai, the cutting of hair signifies that the Ihram rules are lifted. It is however preferred that women don't cut their hair in the open (as non mahram men are around who can see their hair). They can come back home to their hotels/staying area and do it when there are no non mahrams around.

If I had to recommend a book, it would be 'The ultimate guide to Umrah' by Ismail Davids (published by Darrusalaam publications). It's a very well written and informative book.

If you are going for Umrah, please do remember all of us in your dua. BarakAllahu Feekum

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding Umrah.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Jazak-Allahu Khairan All ....
And special thanks to brotherinislam7 :)
Do remember me in your preicous du'as.

binth ahmed

New Member
Asalamalaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuh ... I wanted to suggest a book to all those who are intending to do hajj/umrah .. this book "Hajj and umrah a to z" is a must keep to all those who are going for umrah/hajj for the first time .. in this books pictures and maps are used to explain the steps and do's and dont's ... hope it will be beneficial...... jazakhallah khair :)