Is Yu'-Gi-Uh! Haram?


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As-salaamu `alaykum

I have heard of children whose parents bar them from so much and give them little leisure, that they rebel in the years to come... However, there are those who bar those things that need to be barred properly, with wisdom and with moderation. Walhamdulillaah, their kids are a great deal better.

It's not that we believe for example, that the son will become a sorcerer lol. But the fact that certain programs, games etc. glorify it. Just like we prevent our children from bad manners and the medias that encourage it, we should take similar measures with respect to `aqeedah... Look at the amazing fitrah (natural disposition) of children. If you teach him that sihr (magic) is from shirk and described once as the second major sin, naturally he/she would probably not go near these types of shows. Yet we're always the ones who sit there and say it's ok...

I'm for encouraging kids imaginations and development. But there are millions of ways we can do that. We don't really need to make excuses for these games and shows, as if their benefits are greater than harm...

The Prophet (sall Allaahu `alayhi wasallam) set the best example. When Umar Ibn Abi Salamah was 3, the Prophet (sall Allaahu `alayhi wasallam) prevented him and corrected him on three things with regards to eating etiquette. Using the right-hand, saying the Basmallah and to eat what is in front of one. The scholars have used this as a proof to show that we enjoin what we should on children, even if they're young.

People these days say "he is only a child, he's innocent!" True he is a child and definitely innocent, but perhaps the sin involved with the parents (for neglect) is severe. A typically example is exchanging gold. People from the sub-Indian continent have a tradition of giving new-born boys gold rings. It doesn't make sense, it is haraam. When you tell them they say "he's only a boy" and allow them to wear it. The Prophet (sall Allaahu `alayhi wasallam) didn't say that Umar Ibn Abi Salamah is just a boy, so is exempt from eating etiquette.

Allaah knows best.



I thank you all for your reply. May Allah help us to raise a rightous children.:tti_sister: May Allah forgive our shortcomings.:tti_sister:


I'm not what you believe
those images contains a lot of subliminal messages which act in the brain of the child during the sleeping.there are symbols hidden into those cards which you may retain innocent,but on the contrary they are the free-pass for shaytan,because instead of remembering Allah,the shaytan influences the mind of the child,he plasmate him and makes him forget Allah...after some year the child become arrogant,violent and he doesn't know why he does this and that....."tba'd minhu ashaytan,ya rrahman!"


Asalam Alekom and After.
Yu Gi oh is:
يوغي (遊☆戯☆王 ,Yū☆gi☆ō? - ملك اللعبة بالمعنى الحرفي ويسمى أيضا بالقاتل السماء) سلسلة مانغايابانية من تأليف كازكي تاكاهاشي، وأنتج منها فيما بعد سلسلة أنميولعبة أوراق تسمى مبارزة الوحوش والعديد من ألعاب الفيديو. وقد تمت دبلجة الأنمي للغة الإنجليزيةواللغة العربية وعرض على قناة MBC 3 وغيرها من القنوات العربية، ولقي شعبية واسعة في أوساط المهتمين بالأنمي في الوطن العربي، وانتشرت ألالعاب والبطاقات المتعلقة بالمسلسل وانتشرت لعبة مبارزة الوحوش عبر الإنترنت. وكذلك حصلت عدة بطولات في عدة أماكن في الوطن العربي, و العالم.

Everyone knows the cards game "Yu Gi Oh" and it is 100% Haram , our god (allah) loves peace,and dosen't love fights like Yu Gi Oh.

Why: The game is involved of strange pictures to Haram pictures, even some of them got girl haram pictures which our relegion(islam) denied every muslim not to watch this.

Many people thinks without this game there will not be fun,but there are many several games can be used to have fun and dosen't involved images and strange texts such as "Day of Judgment Controller" or "Ouija Claws" or sorta these texts, you can play Monopoly,Uno,Cards,Minecraft(PC),Snake&Ladders,Etc... many diffrent games are fun but "Yu Gi Oh" is not involved into this.

Did you ever think? that Yu Gi Oh contains bad texts that makes bad thing about god (allah)? Yes,i got a picture here to show you the card for proof.

also this game is involved into Masuniya (Satan Prayers) content

As you can see there is a gold icon in the corner which means this one is original too.
And illuminati servent means مساعد الشيطان
and here are more images you can know about Yu Gi Oh

This was the necklace that Yu Gi Oh player in the cartoon always puts so he can do the special abilities and this is 100% Haram, Illuminati(عبدت الشيطان) necklance that he always used to do the spells and summon items and that he used to hold and makes black stuff in it and make him more powerfull (And this is 100% Haram)

Wa Asalam Alekom wa rahmat allah