Islam as a way of life


Junior Member
Since reverting to Islam one thing I admire most about Allah's religion is that it is supposed to be a complete way of life for its followers. It isn't boxed into praying at the mosque on Friday and then living according to secular values the rest of the week.

Unlike the Christians and other religionists, who would not want to see the Bible (or their respective holy books )as the law of the land, we Muslims welcome our faith as the law of the land because it is right.

To me, if you believe your religion is the truth, you would have no fear of it being an all encompassing way of life. To believe otherwise is to concede your religion is false and does not have the answers one needs to live by.

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member

It's great to see reverts who look at Islam as the truth and as a way of life , without any craving for their previous life with all its worldly pleasures. May Allah keep you always guided to the right path.:tti_sister: Ameen


Junior Member
Selaam Alaykum,

Alhumdillah that is such a wonderful way to explain Islam. I am also a revert muslim I am from U.S. Georgia. I am so blessed my Allah to muslim and to know the true way.

Alaykum Selaam,


Junior Member

I'm not a revert, but Alhumdolilah, we are so lucky that Allah has favoured us and shown us the right path and has blessed us with Imaan (faith); those of us who do practice the religion.


I agree brother. There are two types of civilizations. One is man-made and another is Divine law (i.e. Sharia law). Man-made systems (i.e. Democracy) law changes according to the ruling parties desires (i.e. Republicans & Democrats). This why laws are always changing, ratified, amended, etc. In man made system superheros arise & fall, fashion changes. Everything becomes a fad. Even voting becomes a philosophical decision for me and I know some won't agree. In the end, we're persisting & encouraging man-made systems to continue while rejecting God's law.

Islam is the ideal solution for a perfect world. It keeps things in order. It's lays the ground work for everything and I mean everything. It has answers to everything. It rewards justice and punishes injustice. It's not just worship but a complete way of life. It keeps people balanced. It creates harmony & peace. It's the religion of logic and only those that are wise accept it.