Islam , Terrorism , and Media


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Islam , Terrorism , and Media

Have you ever been called a terrorist ? Maybe not , but maybe one of your friends or family living in non-Muslim country has. It may be at school , in a public place , or in the street while he is on his road to work . However , why non-Muslims associate Islam to terrorism . In other words , is there any relation between them ? and what makes people believe in this idea and bear it in their minds ?

To clear the air , we'd better know what both Islam and terrorism mean . Islam implies peace , charity , pity , and all those sacred meanings . Moreover , this religion orders all human beings to treat each other with equality , respect , and kindness . Whereas , terrorism is a term which describes violence and harmful acts committed agaisnt civilians by groups of people for specific goals . So , is it possible to associate good with evil ? The answer , of course , is No . This means that it is impossible to relate Islam to terrorism , because they are completely different .

Last year I watched an American T.V. programme which was about religions and races . They brought eight persons who were randomly chosen from the street so as to ask them to describe five girls who were differnt in religion and race . When they came to the veiled Muslim woman , they described her as a terrorist and she may had a bomb at that moment , the girl was very shocked and about to cry . Hence , we can obviously realize that media plays an important role in tarnishing the image of this holy religion in Westerners' eyes such as American ,English , French ... because th majority of them consume all what come from the media , they are consumers not producers , that is , they do not make an effort to look for the truth.

To conclude , Islam and terrorism are not related , It is the media which is responsible for this idea of relation and association between them . In additon , Westerners should know that what is launched and published about Muslims in their coutries is false and they'd better look for the reality which is totally different from what they think of this wonderful religion .