"Islamic Horizons"


Islam is a way of life
Assalamu alaykum wa ramatullah :SMILY149:

I have found a great online magazine called Islamic Horizons.
It can be found here: http://www.isna.net/Islamic-Horizons/pages/Islamic-Horizons.aspx

I have been looking for a Muslim Magazine in the USA, but none are in print anymore...There used to be 2 popular ones: Muslim Girl and American Muslim Family. Both have not had publications in years!

Islamic Horizons is online, and new issues come out every other month of so. It is sponsored buy the INSA, so alhamdulilah, the news is trust worthy :SMILY252:


Saalam Alaikum

Shukran lakum...
I've heard about the Islamic society...but didnt know that they publish online magazines...
Inshaa'Allah will be helpful...it seems so...let have a look

Baraka-llahu feekum
wassalamu Alaikum


Assalaam walaikum,

I read the hard copy. It is a good magazine. It always has good job/classified ads.

( is this the same one that has the silly matrimonial pages?)


Islam is a way of life
Assalaam walaikum,

I read the hard copy. It is a good magazine. It always has good job/classified ads.

( is this the same one that has the silly matrimonial pages?)

Oh, where can I find a hard copy?

And im unsure on the matrimonials, i actually just found it today.


Assalaam walaikum,

I am sure you can contact IH and find out about the print edition. ( My mother saves me the magazine and when I go to visit it is one of the little pleasures I treat myself...I bring them home and read).

Yep...they have the silly matrimonial site. Baba Ali does a great number on his ummahfilms.com youtube videos and he is holding this magazine.
When you read the matrimonials you have to laugh...but they must work.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
OOOH, Masha'allah! Glad I found this. JazakiAllahu khayran for sharing, sis alf2.


~Salam to all!



Thank you for sharing the link sister
May Allah swt reward you for this~Ãmin!

Happy The Holy Month of Rajab.

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)


Islam is a way of life
Assalaam walaikum,

I am sure you can contact IH and find out about the print edition. ( My mother saves me the magazine and when I go to visit it is one of the little pleasures I treat myself...I bring them home and read).

Yep...they have the silly matrimonial site. Baba Ali does a great number on his ummahfilms.com youtube videos and he is holding this magazine.
When you read the matrimonials you have to laugh...but they must work.

Out of curiosity, I looked at them. I looked at the "seeking wife" ones. And it seems like every other one said "___ slim girl" :mad: