Islamic messages on social network



Dear brothers and sisters, i have this issue with myself. I actually worry about posting Islamic messages on my social networking site. I worry that people might think i'm trying to show off or that i'm trying to portray myself as a pious/religious person. and it did make me feel like i am trying to show off to others that i am a good Muslim. it made me feel like a hypocrite. though my intentions are sincere and i just want to remind my fellow muslim friends and families on Islam. does this mean my iman is weak? and is it wrong of me to not post those messages? or am i better off not posting them as i doubt my own intentions?



لبيك يا الله

Keep posting! What if your posts one day help inspire someone to convert to Islam? Allah will be very pleased with you. Only Shaytaan whispers to you and tells you not to do so. The only thing you must be aware of is making sure what you post is 100% authentic.

Personally, I love to see brothers and sisters posts Islamic messages. They help me come back to Allah.


Junior Member
Walaikum Ssalaam Warahmathullaahi wabarakaatuh,

Go ahead post it. Dont stop at just posting, practice too. And practice with piety and humility, its the way of our prophet. They say 'Humility is necessary veil to all other graces.'

Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Messenger said, “There are three signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Prophet :saw: also reminded us: “O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person, except in piety”

Balance it. May Allah give each of us enough sense to be a true genuine human and not a Hypocrite ... Ameen

Jazakallaahu Khair


Islam is a way of life
I personally love it. My friends always post awesome Islamic things. And sometimes I learn something new, sometimes i feel my iman increase from just reading it...I have NEVER thought they were hypocrites. I'm also a fan of all those Islamic pages...Like Hadith of the Day.


Wa 'alaikumassalam warahmatullah,
Ma sha' Allah akhee you fear a thing good for you.
Akhee it's a good thing to share this.Although these waswaas(whispers) are there.Maybe no one will benefit fom it but you will,it will keep your iman high as well in sha' Allah with constant remembrance and dhikr thereon instead of all the indecency going on social network sites.
When you keep in the company of good thoughts and ideas and dhikr it affects you as well as others in a good way.
Allah ma'ak.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Wa`alaykummussalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

That is a good sign, brother. All praise is to Allaah. It is a sign that you are guarding your heart so that it isn't fill with sifatul mazmumah (the bad characteristics i.e: riya', `ujoob, takabboor etc). Even `Umar radiyaAllahu anhu guarded his heart, fearing that there is an inch of nifaaq that he radiyallahu anhu asked a Sahabi whether the Sahabi saw any signs of hypocrisy in him. That was the fear of an ahlul Jannah. For us, people who aren't guranteed with Jannah, even need to check our heart more often than ever.

This "issue" however, shouldn't stop you to continue doing your da`wah. The most effective thing to do is doing islah (improving yourself to become better) while also giving advices and `amar m`aroof nahee mungkar. I also agree that you never know when a simple word of naseeha/`ilm/encouragement that comes from the heart, just for the sake of your love to the brothers and sisters in Islaam can somehow caused a huge turn in someone's life.

As of social network issue, you need to check whether it brings more good or harm to you. If it's the latter, then you'll need to plan for other alternatives to spread Islaamic messages.

Personally, I've always enjoy reading Yasmin Mogahed's piece of work. Many times, her one sentence made me think and ponder deeply for the whole day. Like this one beautiful quote:

I used to pray for so many fancy things. Now I just ask to be near You.

Keep on your duty on the path of a Muslim and in the end, may Allaah reward you and everyone of us who have strive to uphold His Deen to the highest level. Ameen.
