Islamic saints


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

No, and it should not ever have them.

The only people garunteed of Paradise are the ones Prophet Muhammad :saw: spoke of, and confirmed to them. everyone else is in the same position of limbo. Allah Himself knows where they will go.

What right then would one be a "saint" when they are not garunteed anything special?

I'm sorry for sounding as a I do, but i strongly dislike that word: Saints.




Staff member

I'm sorry for sounding as a I do, but i strongly dislike that word: Saints.

me too..reminds me of all those ugly old statues outside cathedrals and churches...the ones with bird droppings on their heads...?

theyre saints right? :rolleyes: pointless.

By giving someone the sainthood, christians are deciding who is good enough to go to heaven or not.

Islam has other titles i "Sheikh-ul-Islam"...for example Ibn Taymiyyah was called Sheikh-ul-islam. Its just an honorific title but certainly not a sainthood or anything.



Staff member

No Saints..

Unfortunately, some Muslims these days have adopted things from the Christians or even the Hindus by making shrines and temples to the dead.

There they offer prayers and ask for help, instead of asking Allah the Most High for help. THis is Shirk.

It is important for all our brothers and sisters to learn about Tawheed and Aqeedah. These are the fundamental and most important belief in Islam.

There are some really really good articles in the link below. I would say they some of the most important things on this entire website. So I recommend that everyone read and benefit from them, inshaAllah.

Fundamental Beliefs in Islam Tawheed and Aqeedah
