Islamic view point on Birth controle

Mohammad Rafoqie

Junior Member

By Mohammad Rafique Etesame
Some people claim that the birth control is authentic in the light of Islam and the people who want to shorten their family, should adopt it. So in this article it is proved by the authentic arguments that it is against to Islamic teachings. Almighty Allah Says in the Holy Qur’an,” and (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reign, their seed, and made them testify of themselves (Saying); Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify (That was) lest ye should say at the Day of Resurrection: Lo! Of this we were unaware ;(Al-A’raf:172)
These verses reveal that:-
(1)All the seeds or souls of all man kinds had been brought forth that will have to come in this world till the Day of Resurrection, none of the soul was left at that day which called “Yaum-e-Alast” (The Day of creation).
(2) The souls who gave an evidence of God as their Creator and Cherisher, will have to come surely to this world. Because the decree “Least ye should say at that Day of Resurrection: Lo! Of this we were unaware; beings forward a proof that they (the souls) will come in this world and after fulfilling their period, again will present before Allah. It is right to say that no extra soul can enter in this world because of the “Family planning department” set up for this purpose, but who can stop the souls coming in this world that were brought forth at the Day of Creation and gave an evidence? Almighty Allah Says in the Holy Qur’an, “Allah is predominant in His career, but most of mankind know not”. (Jonah:21)
A news item reveals that “world population likely to rise” It reveals that world population is likely to rise to five billion within 1987 and reach the number of six billion people in about 10 year s according to a report released in a right wing daily “LE Figaro” by the year 2025, there will be the world population is likely to be around eight billion with nearly one third, about three billion, in the Indian sub-continent, China and Japan, it said, In 2026, there will be some 300 billion Brazilians, almost as many Nigerians, some 400 million people on the African side of the Mediterranean compared with only less than 100 million on the European side of that sea, it noted. KUNA.
This news item is a clear proof of that no precautionary measures of family planning can be effective to stop the world population.(But it is likely to rise under Divine Order)
It is authentic in the light of Shariah that God’s will is forever and unchangeable. It can never be changed by the change of time. God Has given His Judgment upon everything going on in this universe since the first day and has written it in “Lauh-e-Mahfooz” (Divine tablet recording all mankind’s deeds). He Has brought out all the souls into existence whom He wanted to send in this world and Has fixed their ages, daily bread and their places whether in Paradise or in Hell. Now the question is: whether the souls being sent in this world under Devine Order, can be stopped by sophisticated manners of family planning etc? Authorities of Family Planning could not stop even a single soul coming in this world till now, perhaps they can achieve their goal in the future but it does not seem.
Main argument give in the favor of family planning is: doing “Azle” (Exterior ejection a method of birth control) in the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He allowed it but made it clear that it was quite useless. Hazrat Jaber (R.A.) narrated from the Messenger of Allah that a man came to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and said to him that he had a slave girl but he did not want her to be pregnant. He replied that he could do so if he wanted, but its outcome would be the same that was already written in Divine book. He returned home and came back again after passing some months and said to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that the slave girl had been pregnant (Bokhari, Muslim). This hadith reveals that the companion did ‘Azal’ but the slave girl had been pregnant. So, according to the teachings of Islam, the soul has been settled, surely will com e in this world. That is why the children are born…….


Junior Member
Interesting point. In fact, I think this plays a bigger role than people think.

Even today, we have condoms, vasectomies, and several other forms of contrectption. But if it is willed for one to get pregnant, than it will happen. I think that's a way of forcing society to go with the natural order of things. Happened with the Romans.

Here in America, there is an abnormally large amount of pregnant, non-married teens. Yet we have some of the best resources avaliable. American public schools are so full of teachers telling you "it's okay to do it, just use protection". The only way to prevent pregnancy is to not have sex. Condoms are not 100% effective.

I'm not saying you need to have a whole bunch of kids, but if we are destined too...


I'm not what you believe
salam 'alikum,we can say nothing,until it happens,and when it happens it's the best thing ever.I have experienced all this,and if it was used the so called birht control,now I wouldn't have my 5 kids,but it cam from Allah's Will.
there are couples who try to have children but they can't,and couples who can have many children but they use the birth control.I can be able to raise more than 5 children,but it would be a mistake,because it's useless having children and not enough money to bring them up.:)