Istikhara Vs. Mother's Instincts/Intuition


New Member
What has more weight: Istikhara, i.e. guidance from Allah (SWT) for what is best for you, or your mother's instincts/intuition, i.e. what she feels/thinks is best for you? If one performs Istikhara and gets a positive result from Allah's (SWT) guidance should we go ahead with what He has shown us or should we listen to our mothers for Jannah/Heaven is under our mothers' feet? Do we listen to Allah (SWT) or do we listen to our mother?

Some people might feel this is a sensitive or controversial topic but I would like to know what your views and opinions are on this?

Precious Star

Junior Member
What has more weight: Istikhara, i.e. guidance from Allah (SWT) for what is best for you, or your mother's instincts/intuition, i.e. what she feels/thinks is best for you? If one performs Istikhara and gets a positive result from Allah's (SWT) guidance should we go ahead with what He has shown us or should we listen to our mothers for Jannah/Heaven is under our mothers' feet? Do we listen to Allah (SWT) or do we listen to our mother?

Some people might feel this is a sensitive or controversial topic but I would like to know what your views and opinions are on this?

What do you mean by a "positive result" after Istikhara? Its not voodoo. Its a prayer for guidance. Only by living our lives will we know how Allah will guide us.

there's no such thing as "positive result".


Assalaam alaikum,

Do you mean you feel that your desires are being answered?

When situations work together that is the best. Have you discussed the issue with your mother? Has she prayed, as well?

Be careful. Hasty decisions that satisfy the need are not always the best. Have a conversation with your mother. Listen to what she feels is important. Try not to be defensive or dismissive of her objections. When you refute her be kind and objective. You know, make a list of the good and bad from both perspectives and work from there. See what the common ground is first.


New Member
@Precious Star: I've asked imaams, ullamas, ustaads, maulanas, etc about this kind of thing. Majority of them have told me that for a positive sign you may experience a good feeling developing inside you after making dua or you may have a positive dream (including seeing white or green colours) or both; for a negative sign you may experience a bad feeling inside after making dua or you have a bad dream (including seeing black or red colours) or both; for neither positive nor negative you may not necessarily get any feeling at all nor a dream in which case you do whatever your heart feels more inclined towards, i.e. going for it or not. I've also looked into Islamic dream interpretations, most famous Ibn Sireen, who's work is based heavily on Hadith. He describes a lot of dreams in great detail whether they are good or bad interpretations.

@Aapa: It's a general question. Sometimes mothers won't bother praying Istikhara because they may choose to rely purely on their instincts/intuition and say that if the Istikhara was good for you then she would be for it instead of against it. On top of that, she may not give any valid Islamic reasons why something is NOT good for you even though Istikhara results are positive for you. I understand that Allah (SWT) says in the Quran that we should respect and obey our parents, however He also says that something that we dislike might be good for us while something that we like might not be good for us and Allah (SWT) is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

I hope I don't sound too naive/ignorant as I am learning more and more about various things in our deen on a daily basis and everyone has their own views and opinions. I didn't even know about the different types of Sunnis until last year, like there are Wahabis, Salafis, Berelvis, Deobandis, etc :S .


Assalaam alaikum,

You are being very general. I am guessing this is not the real thing. You are just asking for the sake of asking. You have not spoken to your mother as the response is very vague. You have assumed why not to talk to your mother.

I would suggest you slow down. It seems like you are trying to pull something out of a magic bag but using Islam. Am I right. Dreams, Deobandi, Sunni, consultations. You are going to be confused..positive and negative signs.

What do you want? Slow down.

Ibn Sireen's dictionary of dreams is not a simple book. You would need to talk to a scholar about many of the interpretations. It is not a Chinese take out menu.

Precious Star

Junior Member
@Precious Star: I've asked imaams, ullamas, ustaads, maulanas, etc about this kind of thing. Majority of them have told me that for a positive sign you may experience a good feeling developing inside you after making dua or you may have a positive dream (including seeing white or green colours) or both; for a negative sign you may experience a bad feeling inside after making dua or you have a bad dream (including seeing black or red colours) or both; for neither positive nor negative you may not necessarily get any feeling at all nor a dream in which case you do whatever your heart feels more inclined towards, i.e. going for it or not. I've also looked into Islamic dream interpretations, most famous Ibn Sireen, who's work is based heavily on Hadith. He describes a lot of dreams in great detail whether they are good or bad interpretations.
etc :S .

Istikhara is a prayer asking Allah to guide you. This red-dream green-dream business is nonsense. Istikhara is not magic or voodoo...You read the guidance prayer, make your decision, then execute it with confidence that the outcome is as God wills it.

Dreams were of great significance in the lives of the Prophets. That is how divine revelation came to them. Where does the concept of an Islamic dream come from? Dreams from Allah are prophetic dreams...but young man, the prophecies ended with Muhammad SAW.

A dream is just that....a dream. Usually it is a reflection of wish fulfillment or a deep seated anxiety.

Do your Istikhara and leave the outcome to Allah. Allah has given us all free will -- He is not going to tell you what to do via colours and dreams and feelings. Those come from within yourself.