Jummah Mubrarak


Junior Member

Just wanted to say Jummah Mubarak to everyone. Let us all remember the innocent people around the world be persecuted for worldly gain.



Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member

Just wanted to say Jummah Mubarak to everyone. Let us all remember the innocent people around the world be persecuted for worldly gain.



salam alaykum / my noble Sister

gazakum Allah khyran 4 this reminder..

ur right..jummah is weekly Edit 4 muslim..Alhamduillah 4 blessing of islam..
we shall make Dua`a to All innocent Muslim around the world how kill without doing anthing god except saying..

I bear wtiness that there is no Deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad :saw: is His Messenger.
