just 13 people know the difference between these pictures

Btw I’m sorry sis didn’t mean to sound grumpy the pic gave me a little fright [alright alright it scared the hay out of me :p]


Junior Member

lol... yes that got me pretty good

mind you its 6 AM and im just waking up and thats not the best way to start my day

I really did want to find the difference in those 2 pictures lol



Junior Member
alslam alikum
thanx brothers and sisters, but if any one angered from me i'am sorry.



I do not get angered by many things. Yes, you did upset me. I have had serious issues deleted from this site. This was immature. I am furious. I do not use this site for playing games. I can not believe the moderators did not delete this and need to.
I want an explantion as to why this was not deleted. You have deleted posts on sprituality. You have deleted posts on the way American soliders are descrating masjids in Iraq. You delete posts that have serious consequences on Muslims everywhere. Yet you allow this dribble.