Just so you know!!


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

dear brothers and sister..

I'v always tryed to be of help to all muslim brothers and sisters..

And i know how some people would post their own opinions, or fatwas based on what they'v heard or read.. without giving any Dalil (Proof).

Well i dont know about them, but to me, i only post based on what i'v researched, and read in books of trusted Scholars and Ulama such as "Ibn Al-Qayim", "Ibn Taimeyah", "Al-shaf'i", "Ibn Hanbal", "Al-Tabari", "Ibn Uthaimin", "Ibn Bazz".. and many more.

I also took some lessons in Fiqh, Tajwid, Hadith, Aqidah&Tawhid, Tafsir and Arabic Language.

And i would never post about something i have no knowledge of.

And all i say or do is for the love of Allah, Islam, and my muslim brothers and sisters.


Junior Member
salam alikom
wallahi you are a good reminder for all of us ,me too i have never post any thing that im not sure of it's sources and i hopr all will folow this it is for oue benefit masha allah and allah konws more

, jazzzaka allah khir katir for this significant information brother may allah reward you with aljannah and all muslims all over the wrold...
ur sis



I read your posts. I thank you. We have to be so careful. Our thoughts are critical in our faith. We can never attempt to impose our egos on our religion.


Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum brother

I will take this reminder into heart. Sometimes I know of the daleel being *Somewhere* but can't be bothered to look for it so I just post from memory. In sha Allaah will post daleel up and try to do so. Because brother you are right, this is not a religion of whims and fancies na'udzubillah.


to Allah we belong
jazaak Allah khair

yes we should provide proofs for our sayings.

but regarding advice in ordinary matters, we can say our opinion with saying 'and Allah knows best'.


I posted once a thing from deedat(may allah bless him), which I do not have any daleel and turned out it was not true. before and after that I never posted anything that does not have daleel. I usually do not post articles or part of books which I read, but I only post my confusions and questions here after reading them, to clear up. May be when I have more free time I'll start posting the good aricles which I read, but now, I don't do it cause I'm always short of time.
anyways jazzakALLAh khair for the good reminder bro,