Justice for All, Punish the Guilty ( to citizens of Mumbai, India and the world )


Proud to be a Muslim

Justice for All

To: citizens of Mumbai, India and the world
Punish the Guilty of the Anti Muslim Pogrom of 1992-1993

Justice for All


The report also lays bare the biased role played by 31 police officers, including RD Tyagi, who as then joint commissioner, shot dead nine persons at the Suleiman Usman Bakery labelling them "Kashmiri terrorists". Another senior police officer, NK Kapse was promoted after a departmental inquiry exonerated him of any guilt in shooting down seven persons at the Hari Masjid located at Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg. Save one policeman who was dismissed from service, all others have escaped lightly despite being found guilty of complicity in acts of murder and arson.


If you feel this was Unjustice ... please participate yourself


The very least Imaan is, Atleast you should feel that it was unjustice