Keep up the good work ..


Junior Member
:) Assalaam walaikum wah rahmatullah wah bara katu
this is Habib from india and i'm a businessman ..i have been surfing this web site for quite a long time and find it very informative and encouraging... i think this website will be a good information center for all walks of people .. both muslims and non-muslims.. the videos posted are very encouraging and feel nice to see how converts give their views about past experiances and now accepting islam in their life. May Allah guide and bless us and keep everybody safe... thank you for your time.. Allah hafiz

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa Alaikoum Assalam Wa Rahmato Allah wa Barakatuh

Wellcom brother Here......

insha` Allah reward u And Directed u to the right path...insha` Allah...

greeting 4m Egypt to India..

Nice to meet Muslim from India...

<wasalam Alaykum>